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付く つく
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be attached
  • to be connected with
  • to adhere
  • to stick
  • to cling

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to remain imprinted
  • to scar
  • to stain
  • to dye

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to bear (fruit, interest, etc.)

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.)
  • to increase (of strength, etc.)

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to take root

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to accompany
  • to attend
  • to follow
  • to study with

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to side with
  • to belong to

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to possess
  • to haunt

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be lit
  • to be lighted

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be settled
  • to be resolved
  • to be decided

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be given (of a name, price, etc.)

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be sensed
  • to be perceived

Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be lucky

  • to become (a state, condition, etc.)
付く づく
Godan verb with `ku' ending
  • to become (a state, condition, etc.)


    • onyomi
    • kunyomiつ.ける-つ.ける-づ.けるつ.けつ.け--つ.け-づ.け-づけつ.く-づ.くつ.き-つ.き-つき-づ.き-づき
    • meaningadhere; attach; refer to; append


  • Japanese 歌詞を見てみれば、あまり意味が無いことに気付くでしょう。
  • Japanese その後私はそこを出るんだけど、鞄を忘れてきたことに気付くんだ。
  • Japanese 実も結ぶが、挿し木でも根付くらしい?
  • Japanese 目に付くものが欲しいものだ。
    English What you see is what you want.
  • Japanese 吠える犬はめったに噛み付く事はない。
    English Barking dogs seldom bite.
  • Japanese 彼女の水着は目に付く
    English Her bathing suit attracts our attention.
  • Japanese 彼は彼女に気付くと「バル!」と叫んだ。
  • Japanese 彼は嘘を付くような人ではない。
    English He is not a man to tell a lie.
  • Japanese 彼はうそを付くようなことはしない。
    English He is above telling lies.
  • Japanese 彼はあなたのミスにきっと気付くでしょう。
    English He's bound to notice your mistake.
  • Japanese 彼が気付くと、公園で横になっていた。
    English When he came to, he was lying in the park.
  • Japanese 子どもは一日に千回も違いに気付く
    English He notices a thousand times a day the difference.
  • Japanese 原稿とコピーは容易に見分けが付く
  • Japanese 君が一つの形式に拘っている限り、素晴らしい考えを思い付くことはできない。
    English As long as you stick to one style, you can't hit upon a wonderful idea.
  • Japanese 嘘を付くのは悪いことだ。
    English It is wrong to tell a lie.
  • Japanese もし急ぐならば、あなたは彼に追い付くでしょう。
    English If you hurry, you will overtake him.
  • Japanese まもなく彼は誤りに、気付くだろう。
    English It won't be long before he realizes the mistake.
  • Japanese どんな犬でも一度噛み付く権利がある。
    English Every dog is entitled to one bite.
  • Japanese この貯金には三分の利子が付く
    English This deposit bears three percent interest.
  • Japanese この商品にはおまけが付く
    English This article comes with a free gift.



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