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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Muraji (hereditary title; orig. one of the two highest such titles, later demoted to seventh highest of eight)
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • tribe

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • quinella (quiniela)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • party
  • company
  • group

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper)


    • onyomiレン
    • kunyomiつら.なるつら.ねるつ.れる-づ.れ
    • meaningtake along; lead; join; connect; party; gang; clique


  • Japanese 女ってどうしてれションしたがるの?物凄く理解不能。
    English Women - why do they want to go to toilet in groups? I don't get it at all.
  • Japanese ロバート・ハンセンが、旧ソに秘密情報を売りさばいた容疑で逮捕された。
    English Robert Hansen was arrested on suspicion of having sold off secret information to the former Soviet Union.
  • Japanese 肩関節は、単独で動くほか、腕の動きにも動して動きます。
    English The shoulder joints, as well as moving on their own, also move in conjunction with arm movements.
  • Japanese 興奮の続に、あっというまもなく30分のショウタイムが過ぎてしまいました。
    English In all the excitement the 30 minute show-time passed in a flash.
  • Japanese 駅員に絡したが、男はその場を立ち去り、改札口を出て行った。
    English They contacted the station staff but the man had left the area and gone out through the ticket barrier.
  • Japanese 今週、3日続でカーアクションものの外国映画を字幕で見た。
    English This week I've watched foreign car-action movies with subtitles for three days in a row.
  • Japanese盟元会長が背任の容疑で逮捕されました。
    English The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.
  • Japanese 証拠隠滅どーすんのよ!普通は警察に絡するもんでしょっ。
    English What does destroying evidence get you? The usual thing would be to contact the police, wouldn't it?
  • Japanese 図書館は行かないんだよ。でも駅までなられてってあげるよ。
    English I'm not going to the library, but I can take you as far as the station.
  • Japanese 新婚なのに子供?そう・・・息子は父親のれ子。彼はバツイチというわけだ。
    English Newly weds but with a child? Yes, that's right - the son is from the father's former marriage. He's been divorced once.
  • Japanese 倫理の点から言うと、技術関の大原則は「現在への責任」だが、「未来への責任」という新しい考え方が出てきた。
    English From an ethical point of view, the great principle of technology is "responsibility to the present" but the new way of thinking, "responsibility to the future" has emerged.
  • Japanese 来週の月曜と火曜は休だ。
    English Next Monday and Tuesday are consecutive holidays.
  • Japanese 付き人もれずどこほっつき歩いてんですか。
    English Just where have you been loitering around without your attendants?
  • Japanese 彼女は嫌がる子供を宥め賺して歯医者にれて行った。
    English She coaxed and wheedled her unwilling child into going to the dentist with her.
  • Japanese 先生も休をエンジョイしたかったが、どっかの6人組の補習やら準備やらで連休無かったぞ!
    English I also wanted to enjoy the break, but thanks to preparation and supplementary lessons for a certain six-man team, I got none!
  • Japanese 政治学とは何か。「セイジ」から、人々は、まず、ジャーナリズムを賑わす政治的事件を想するでしょう。
    English What is political science? From the "political," people will probably first associate it with the political incidents that enliven journalism.
  • Japanese 今日の授業は立不等式の続きです。昨日と同じくxとyにする領域で表してみましょう。
    English Today's class continues with inequalities. Like yesterday try to display the domains in x and y.
  • Japanese 勤務時間内で余裕のある時にはIP関の勉強などができます。
    English You can study IP related material during work hours when you have time to spare.
  • Japanese 安倍内閣は、自由民主党、公明党を与党とする立内閣である。
    English The Abe Cabinet is a coalition Cabinet where the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komei Party form the government.
  • Japanese もし音信不通になったら警察に絡してね。
    English If I drop out of contact, let the police know, OK?



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	コメント                shimo《Garena 傳說對決》x《刀劍神域》聯動合作即將登場 公開新英雄「亞連」技能組f:id:take012504:20230503192516p:imageKATO 11-731 KATOカプラー密連形#2 新性能電車用・短_f0229311_07181620.jpg令和2年「秋の火災予防運動」に伴う特別消防訓練を実施しました!Our ProductsAbout Our CompanyOUR SERVICESホームメイキング【電動工具・大工道具・工具・建築金物・発電機の卸値通販】2022-連假-放假-行事曆2022-連假-放假-行事曆INTEGERS  √517の連分数展開LIXILのカーポート カーポートST 積雪100cm対応 縦連棟 12本柱城巴 6534 (UG2263)中城城跡に勇壮連獅子 海老蔵さんが世界遺産公演【鑑賞眼】歌舞伎座「連獅子」 中村屋四代に思い馳せ(1/2ページ) - 産経ニュースf:id:loureeds:20190622210426j:plain連 Japanese icon | Japanese kanji " 連 " icon
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