Hi there! I just happened to see that your site has some display errors in Opera. Most… - Feed Post from Kupo to beeant
Hi there!
I just happened to see that your site has some display errors in Opera. Most of it can be corrected if you just add an -o- option to the -moz- and -webkit- properties. For border-radius, don't use any prefix at all.
That should make your site visually compatible with Opera as well.
And I don't mind if you reply a little late. I know you're a little busy sometimes ;)
I just happened to see that your site has some display errors in Opera. Most of it can be corrected if you just add an -o- option to the -moz- and -webkit- properties. For border-radius, don't use any prefix at all.
That should make your site visually compatible with Opera as well.
And I don't mind if you reply a little late. I know you're a little busy sometimes ;)
posted by Kupo