Hi! How's it going? I have been lazy and not even on the computer. I know...right? I can't believe… - Feed Post from teapotichi to Kupo
Hi! How's it going? I have been lazy and not even on the computer. I know...right? I can't believe it either. I just use my Kindle or go buy more books....I guess I did use the computer after all. I don't even turn on my Skype. It's already 2am. guess I should go to bed since I am not even studying! What you been up to? Do you get out of school for summer? Do you have to work a job? I never asked about that or your family. I told you all kinds of stuff and forgot to question you! I see how you are! LOL I only found out that there is only one girl in your whole class! We should actually talk face to face so I can see who I am dealing with! It helps to have a person to go with the details. I am a visual learner. That's why I hate books that just want to teach using audio only. I have to have some words to follow along with. It seems to cement it better in the memory to read and write content rather than just let it run into your ear....and apparently right out the other side. LOL.What do you think? Are you a visual learner? Sometimes I look at things in stores or displays and check it out and think, I can make this for less money, or how did they do that? If I can see or touch or look inside of things to see how it is done, I can usually copy it or improve it. Do you like to do that also? I would think programming would need a lot of attention to detail and visual skills. My visuals are getting tired since it's 2am. Better sleep. We have Cinco De Mayo (it means the 5th of May) here on どようび so we are going out to eat Mexican food. Then にちようび。 we are seeing The Avengers movie! Looks like no Japanese studying for several days! LOL See ya!
posted by teapotichi