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Should I learn hiragana and katakana first or kanji? - Feed Post by Daisukex25

Should I learn hiragana and katakana first or kanji?
posted by Daisukex25

Comments 3

  • Annick
    hiragana first
  • reaper527
    hiragana first, katakana second, (you can learn both of them combined in about 2 weeks), then kanji
  • MintyHippo
    Hirigana is the place to start. Not only does it make up all the base sounds of language(verbally) but everything 'could' be writen in hirigana. The obvious problem with this is sentences would end up being very long and that' where kanji steps in.

    Katakana tends to be easier for English speakers to learn with the sharp points and lack of twisty lines and really shouldn't take to much time to master. On top of that a few of the hirigana counterparts look almost identical.


