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So, I was watching 'Shaun of the Dead" at my ladyfriend's house, and found my calling in life.… - Feed Post by Kakka_rotSRL

So, I was watching 'Shaun of the Dead" at my ladyfriend's house, and found my calling in life. Often, we watch lots of Western movies. The English is a bit hard for her, so we use the [shitty] Japanese subtitles.

At the end, as Ed is dying Shaun is going home, and his best friend Ed is dying, they say.

Japanese Subtitles: (Shaun) love you, Ed.
English: (Shaun) I love you, Ed

Perfect, verbatim. But, then -

Japanese Subtitles: (Ed) Now, I can finally sleep

Sure captured that joke...
posted by Kakka_rotSRL

Comments 7

  • Jadore_Violet
    So your calling in life is to make sure no Japanese people have to suffer missing out on British jokes? This is indeed an honourable quest *hands over ancient blade engraved with "no it's not sharp at all....dummy"*
  • Kakka_rotSRL
    I've always liked the idea of translating cinema, this just pushed it. There are tons of examples, this was just the best.
  • Arachkid
    You have a lot of work to catch up on. And as for that particular difference - Japanese people wouldn't understand what was meant by just saying "gay". Even for Western film enthusiasts, they're missing the cultural background (should there be quotations around cultural) to catch it as it is from the movie.
  • JamesG
    Shaun of the Dead was apparently lost in translation.
  • Stray_Mongrel
    Haha, this is just about as funny as the movie itself.
  • mog86uk
    Wow, lol. xD
    That sounds like a lot of fun though. Good luck trying to explain everything. I wish Japanese subtitle options were a lot more common on DVDs sold in the west, both for English and Japanese (i.e. anime) movies.

    I was surprised when I found out Fast and the Furious 1-3 blu-rays have not only Japanese subtitle option but even Japanese audio! The Japanese dub sucked badly and I had to switch it back pretty quick, but it was pretty neat and interesting to have the Japanese subs turned on when I was rewatching those movies. Makes rewatching stuff more interesting, especially in the slower parts of the films. ^^
  • Kakka_rotSRL
    Funny thing Mog - most Japanese movies don't have the English sub option. That is why we watch Japanese movies at my house (where I can easily get them myself) and we rent English movies from the store, where JP subs are always there.


