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I'm not sure how to message any admins, but could this be fixed please?o.o - Feed Post by Xiffy

I'm not sure how to message any admins, but could this be fixed please?o.o
posted by Xiffy

Comments 4

  • Danoram
    the correct answer is roppyaku
  • Xiffy
    Ah, because most of the time it declines roppyaku.. E.e sorry.
  • mog86uk
    Are you 100% certain that it has declined ろっぴゃく before? I've never noticed it happen once.

    Now for a fun, interesting statistics post (because I haven't done one for a while)... These stats are taken from performing searches on a Japanese dictionary software I have, and how many words it found containing each of these:

    *っは* (hha) = 11 (1)
    *っば* (bba) = 1
    *っぱ* (ppa) = 586

    *っひ* (hhi) = 4
    *っび* (bbi) = 1
    *っぴ* (ppi) = 208

    *っふ* (hhu/ffu) = 85
    *っぶ* (bbu) = 17
    *っぷ* (ppu) = 989

    *っへ* (hhe) = 4
    *っべ* (bbe) = 1
    *っぺ* (ppe) = 98

    *っほ* (hho) = 5 (1)
    *っぼ* (bbo) = 1
    *っぽ* (ppo) = 344

    Basically, only っ+p occurs in proper Japanese vocabulary written in hiragana/kanji, which is why these numbers are so much higher than the others.

    The only reason there are ANY っ+h and っ+b results is because all of these words are FOREIGN origin words (mostly English) spelt in katakana! (there were only one or two words which were very minor exceptions to this rule, which were alternative spellings).

    So if you knew that rule, you'd know that the answer is impossible to be ろっびゃく, even without ever needing to have learnt that word before! ;-)
  • Xiffy
    Aaaah, I realised last night I may have gotten it confused with sanbyaku, 三百 六百、I'm a clutz. (◍•﹏•) thankyou for the long and thorough explanation!


