I'm not sure if there are any 常用漢字 with longer readings than 5 (I'm guessing we're not counting the 送り仮名 part of the reading), and that's the longest one I've seen on JCJP.
However, I can think of a few other 5 morae kunyomi I've learnt in Slime Forest Adventure:
志 (こころざし) "intention"
政 (まつりごと) "rule (of a country)"
詔 (みことのり) "imperial decree"
承る (うけたまわ.る) "hear"
But there are some kanji with readings longer than 5 morae outside of the 常用漢字表.
糎 (センチメートル) "centimetre" :P
I guess not everybody would say that one counts... There are longer ones than this anyway though. Real ones listed in dictionaries (not things like 砉...)! ^^
May 5, 2015 at 12:07am