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Konbanwa :-) - Feed Post by kyoshinoFT

Konbanwa :-)
posted by kyoshinoFT

Comments 5

  • mog86uk
    That's some crazy duplicate posting you've got going there. I often see it post things twice, but 5x is impressive. :P
  • kyoshinoFT
    I'm really really sorry.. (so embarrassing) i didn't intend to duplicate my post 5x. I just accidentally clicked the POST button 5x because i thought there's something wrong with my phone.. so again sorry, i'm really really sorry..
    Gome nasay gome nasy gome nasay!
    (Also, i'm a little bit bad at english so sorry again •_•)
  • mog86uk
    Your English seems perfectly fine. ^^

    Other people regularly double post by accident, for some users it happens frequently, and I was wondering why it posts twice for them and not for other people. So it happens when the post button is clicked more than once?

    I know what you mean about it not looking like the post button worked. Sometimes takes several seconds for your comment to appear after clicking the button, and sometimes the "refresh page" error message appears and you lose everything you wrote. ><!

    Before I click post, I usually highlight everything I've written and copy it, then click the post button only once. If my message doesn't appear after like half a minute, I then refresh the page. If it's still not there after refreshing the page, then I paste my message into a new post and try again. Most of the time it posts first time anyway. I'm not sure how easy it is to copy-paste stuff on phones compared with computers though. :)
  • mog86uk
    Actually, that's not quite what I normally do.

    I normally copy my message AFTER clicking post, and only if it looks like it's not going to send properly. If the "refresh page" error pops up before I've copied my post, I click the X to close the pop up instead of refreshing the page. This way you are able to copy your message, refresh the page, and try again by pasting your message in a new post if necessary. ^^
  • kyoshinoFT
    yeah.. thanks for some advice.....


