My first weak list entry :-(
Well, sooner or later, it had to happen, but not this way... ;-)<br>I'm not that good. I was lucky... until now.<br>Now, I am the proud owner of a not empty weak list.<br>The only thing that bothers me is that I have answered correctly the two times.<br>It's simply a mistake in the level 4 kanji practice database.<br><br>This is the error:<br><small>Answer Wrong! Lost -5 exp</small><br><br>電報<br>ほうこく<br><br><small>made this mistake 2 times, added to weak list</small><br><br>The correct answer should be でんぽう.<br>I'm afraid of meet this question again without knowing if the mistake has already been corrected. I don't want to worsen more my statistics.<br>Meanwhile, I will practice with other levels or do vocabulary.<br><br>Sorry for post this here, but, what happened to the forum?<br><br>By the way, I can`t paste Unicode (nor UTF-8, Shift-Jis, EUC, etc) in this window.<br>In the forum there was no problem to do that. Any idea why?<br>I was trying to paste from JWPce to this window.<br>Pasting text in a FireFox box (search or url bar) and re-copying it to paste here does work. The windows IME works also.<br><br>Anyway, keep the good work!
posted by spanz