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My first weak list entry :-(

Well, sooner or later, it had to happen, but not this way... ;-)<br>I'm not that good. I was lucky... until now.<br>Now, I am the proud owner of a not empty weak list.<br>The only thing that bothers me is that I have answered correctly the two times.<br>It's simply a mistake in the level 4 kanji practice database.<br><br>This is the error:<br><small>Answer Wrong! Lost -5 exp</small><br><br>電報<br>ほうこく<br><br><small>made this mistake 2 times, added to weak list</small><br><br>The correct answer should be でんぽう.<br>I'm afraid of meet this question again without knowing if the mistake has already been corrected. I don't want to worsen more my statistics.<br>Meanwhile, I will practice with other levels or do vocabulary.<br><br>Sorry for post this here, but, what happened to the forum?<br><br>By the way, I can`t paste Unicode (nor UTF-8, Shift-Jis, EUC, etc) in this window.<br>In the forum there was no problem to do that. Any idea why?<br>I was trying to paste from JWPce to this window.<br>Pasting text in a FireFox box (search or url bar) and re-copying it to paste here does work. The windows IME works also.<br><br>Anyway, keep the good work!
posted by spanz

Comments 8

  • spanz
    Hmm, I've started a new practice with kanji of level 1,2,3 (multiple selection), in order to avoid the mistaken kanji of level 4.
    Immediately, the damn 電報 has appeared. ¿Is this normal?
    I've on purpose answered wrong (ほうこく) and my weak list is now gone,
    but it would be nice to know when it has been corrected.

  • beeant
    I am sorry for this problem,

    The level 4 kanji chapter 36-40 has just been released, I am still looking for some mistyped data.

    I have corrected the problem. the question was mistyped it supposed to be 報告
    Please report if there is anymore problem.

    the 電報 was appeared because it was on your weak list. the weak list will set a bias to the data on your weak list to appear on the random practice question no matter what level you are doing. (in fact, that is the purpose of having weak list, to force you to learn you weakness) so this is normal.

    Thank You for your report, if you want me to fix your statistics because of bugs please tell me.
  • beeant
    anyway did you put this ¿ on purpose or it should be something else?
  • spanz
    Sorry, I did put "¿" because in Spanish is required to begin the questions with the sign "¿". My mistake, and thanks for all!

  • nintendo
    hahaha its interesting ¿
  • spanz
    Shhh! It's a secret, but we also open exclamations with ¡
  • nintendo
    so everything is like a quotation has opening and closing " " ¡ ! ¿ ?
  • spanz
    You have discovered our secret. Now I have to kill you ...


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