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Error in website lesson.

I am at level 1 chapter 6 and I get this weird kanji for totemo:


the furigana above the kanji says tenichi and not totemo and there is a b letter besides the kanji.
Error in website lesson.
posted by mangamuscle

Comments 7

  • mog86uk
    I thought someone had mentioned this before and that it got fixed. とても変だ。

    In the new beta version of this site this problem isn't there. Level 1 chapter 6 on the beta says: 迚も「とても」= very
  • Torinn8
    Also, level 1, chapter 7 (day after tomorrow), 明後日 has the furigana みょうごにち but the official reading on the right is Asatte.
  • kekkou
    I am starting a special project to report all Kanji/Romaji and Dictionary button problems to the programmer. I am currently checking Level 2 Chapter 12.
  • kekkou
    I am checking Vocabulary Chapter 43 (yes, the 115-entry chapter). The list of discrepancies I found so far is very long.
  • kekkou
    I found most, if not, all of the kana/romaji discrepancies, and missing dictionary buttons. I will send an e-mail PDF file to beeant now, and then start on the kanji chapters (not the tests).
  • kekkou
    Never mind. The kanji chapter lessons have a different layout and will take forever to go through.
  • washoku
    Looks like the errors fixed themselves after today's transition to the new JCJP site! Yay!
