I come from Japan
I come from Japan
Very nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you.
posted by chscdjes March 26, 2015 at 1:18pm
Comments 3
- mog86uk March 26, 2015 at 2:24pmSo...
・You "come from" Japan
・Your flag on here shows you as located in South Korea
・Your website name is laughably non-japanese sounding
・Your website is detected as hosted in Hong Kong
・The registrar for your website is a company in Beijing
・No where on your site do you state the physical address of your company
But more strange than all that...
・That link you gave is the same one another spammer has posted on this site, Loveing.
The plot thickens...
・Loveing also posted links to a website called "chscdjes.com".
・chscdjes.com is ridiculously similar to the link you posted
・chscdjes.com DOES state a physical address: 中国広州白云皮具城 (Guangzhou, China) - mog86uk March 26, 2015 at 2:29pm@chscdjes Oops, I forgot to say 你好 back to you... :P
- Stray_Mongrel March 26, 2015 at 11:56pmチェックメイト :D