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posted by pinkybridal

Comments 16

  • DragonR33UA
    What is this?
  • mog86uk
    A rudely posted bit of advertising for bridal wear. Somehow I think it's supposed to want to make you buy from their company, but I have no idea how they think annoying everyone with their obtrusive spam achieves this exactly...

    Then again, to be fair, this spammer didn't even post the name of the company or its website link... So basically it is not even an advert at all... It is just literally plain meaningless text spam. -_-;
  • jc89
    Well... which color do you think is the best alternative to the traditional white wedding gown? Blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, red, brown, or black?
  • mog86uk
    After reading through a little bit more of that post, I realise now that it isn't meant to be advertising directly. It is done in a subtle indirect way, as an ordinary forum kind of topic, with the company name found separately on her profile page. Maybe I was a bit hasty to condemn it completely.

    However, it still doesn't seem like this has been written by someone who has come to this site for the purpose of wanting to learn Japanese? It was posted on the same day the account was created, in already perfectly fluent Japanese, on a topic completely unrelated to language learning... And then did no lessons nor practice nor anything else at all... So basically still advertising spam. >_>
  • jc89
    Pinkybridal is a Japanese online store that sells wedding dresses (of different colors! ). I'm assuming the post is a bot (or real person) that copy-pasted one of their articles from their site.
  • Jadore_Violet
    At least it's in Japanese. Maybe a little reading practice unlike most of the spam here haha
  • DragonR33UA
    Oh, I see! Thank you mog86uk. Your reading ability is very high! You could real all these sentences.
  • mozeni2
    Ha. You guys rock.
  • zeto
    This is a nice N1 reading practice :)
  • mog86uk
    @DragonR33UA, I haven't even tried to read most of it, since it's just spam. However, there are a lot of katakana words and colour words, and from glancing it looks like vast majority of the words are actually taught on JCJP (particularly wedding words like 結婚式 "wedding" and 花嫁 "bride"). I think it looks harder to read than it really is.

    In fact, thinking about it, this is probably an ideal bit of text for people who've cleared level 8 to have a go at practicing reading. But it feels wrong to suggest reading spam... :P
  • DragonR33UA
    Mog86uk, thank you for the answer. I reacher level 8 but it doesn't work at all. I know some words and can read them. But I still cant read the sentences. It doesn't work and i don't know how to fix it. When you will tell me the word i will recognize it. But not the sentence. For example 追加し. I know that second is kuwashii. This is add something, and the previous is to chase. But how to read it together and what they want to say I don't know =D You are pretty cool that can do this.!
  • mog86uk
    @DragonR33UA, I meant for lv8 people if they have also been studying grammar elsewhere. You can't expect to read sentences by only having learned vocabulary and without having also learned grammar. It is only the vocabulary which makes it ideal for people who've cleared level 8 on here, but the grammar isn't overly complex either.

    As for that example you mentioned, it is 追加 (ついか) "addition, supplement, append". It is actually taught in JCJP kanji lessons, in lv5, for the 追 kanji: http://japaneseclass.jp/lessons/kanji/5/45

    As for the し that is ...'appended...' on to the end of 追加, it is the particle し. My explanation will probably drag on for ages of rambling on, so it will probably be better to give you some links instead if you're interested in this particle:

    Hope that helps and clears up any confusion about that. Also, some of those sites might be worthwhile spending a bit of time studying grammar on, if you feel this is what you are lacking in terms of understanding sentences. ^^
  • mog86uk
    Actually, now that I read that sentence properly instead of just typing a load of stuff off the top of my head, I realise that it's not even that particle. ><

    I think it's just the し (連用形) form of する, because 追加 is a noun which can be used with する on the end as a verb -- 追加する "to append". I need to find some different links for this or spend ages explaining.. :/
  • DragonR33UA
    Mog86uk thank you for your answer. I reached this level here, because it is kind of fun, but I still didn't find a good grammar website. It becomes boring pretty fast. 追加 I have seen here, And without し, I would recognize it. But this shi destroy my recognize system =D

    You have found many different sentences about し. You have found many resources with the explanation. This し is pretty useful and can be used nearly everywhere. For me the sentence translation is like to translate the Egyptian Hieroglyphic. It would be cool if this website also will have the good grammar tests. =D
  • DragonR33UA
    There are plenty information. I will try to practice there too.
  • Jadore_Violet
    lol spam on spam
