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Error in the Katakana practice!!!

Hi guys,I have funs this http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/2986/unled1yj.png

As you can see the kana show is "zu",but there is no "zu" in the 4 answers! =_='''

By the way,the errors that we show here in this forum,are going to be fixed or the guys that have created this site don't read this forum?
In that case,where I have to post to make them read that?

posted by MarcusAseth

Comments 8

  • mazx
    it's "du" if you type it out on the keyboard it'll turn to "ヅ" much akin to how を is wo, but it sounds like "O" zu is ズ.
  • MarcusAseth
    damn,then the katakana table of this wiki is wrong,cause I was studyng on that =_= http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingua_giapponese
  • MarcusAseth
    mazx can you explain me why the italian & even the english wiki call that kana "zu"?! noone call it du,you have some source to prova that wath you say is right?
  • mazx
    As far as I'm aware it's pronounced "zu" but you'd type out "du" in romaji to make the character, like in つづける.

    And I don't have any good sources explaining this.
  • MarcusAseth
    writing in romaji probably give that withe the "du" because the "zu" is already used to write "ズ" ...so that's ok,but we still have an error in the katakana practice,otherwise I don't understand why all the wiki say that " ヅ " is "zu" ,one of the two have to be in error...
  • Zach10123
    It's pronounced "zu," but you type it as "du" so the computer knows the difference between ず and づ. In the lesson, they should've called it "zu" though, since that's the true pronunciation. It's the same for じ and ぢ. They're both pronounced, "ji," but you type ぢ as "di" so the computer knows the difference.
  • beeant
    Ok I changed ぢ to be ji (di)
    and づ to be zu (du)
    is this ok?
  • MarcusAseth
    perfect,thank you admin :D
