Remembering the Kanji Vol. 1
I suppose I can give my opinion on this book as I have read a few chapters worth of a sample. I have read so many wonderful things about this book, and it was people's honest to goodness opinions. So I figured this must be the miracle technique to remember Kanji! Well, I went ahead and tried the sample of a few chapters. I was really disappointed...T^T I couldn't grasp the example stories to remember the Kanji by. I thought they really made little sense. I then realized that I already own a book that uses an identical technique which I personally found unhelpful. I guess it really comes down to how each person learns things. I never could memorize things this way. But I honestly wanted to because how else can you become able to read over 3,000 Kanji in a few months?! I have been going by the traditional method of memorizing Kanji for about 6 years and only know *maybe* over's sad. I really would like to know if any of you have any advice for me as I have also heard positive reviewers telling the people who gave negative reviews that "It only didn't work for you because you must have not been doing it right". I really want to believe this. I really want to like this book because it seems to be the absolute answer for foreigners learning Kanji. Also, I have heard that if the given example stories don't help you then you should make up your own or look on the supplementary site for the book. But my question is, if none of the given examples help me, then why not just look at a list of Kanji online and apply this method with a story I find memorable and in turn save some money? I want to know your opinion. I am by no means saying this is a bad book, I'm just saying I personally had little success with it. Oh I don't know! :( By the way, here is the sample of the book, it really has quite a lot of the book in it! I think it's about 103 pages worth. 1 (6th edition) sample.pdf 1 (6th edition) sample.pdf
posted by pecan_