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On pitch accent


I've found this site that talks about how to integrate particles with the pitch of a Japanese word or phrase, and adjectives/verbs...but a lot of this seems to conflict with itself. For example, ーたい on a verb is listed as -3 (3rd mora from end accented/LHLL) but they write it out as taBETAi which is -2. And the rules for の sound redundant being that the last mora of a "flat" word is unaccented anyway. Or is it? How do 男の... and 男... differ with each other? And if の is supposed to be special enough to warrant its own entry, how come niHONGO HA and niHONGO NO in this example are treated the same way? I'm royally confused and would appreciate any help, or even a link that explains this stuff better.
posted by xMakoReactantx

Comments 1

  • shairn
    Just listen to people speak japanese and try to reproduce the tonalities. I think you'll save yourself a lot of time and suffering.
