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Skype Group - Japanese Learning

Hey guys.

So I made a post about this on a few other places, so I thought I'd share it here too.

A while ago I created a skype group for people online who are learning Japanese to get together and chat, help each other out, share resources, have group calls to practice, etc. It has about 70 people right now, and has its dead times, and its very active times, but I hope it will still grow.

A plan for weekly Japanese assignments is sort of in the works for everyone there to take part in if they wish, when the time comes, so that will also be something to look forward to.

Anyways, if you're interested, add me up on skype and I'll put you into the group with everybody else.

my skype username is: monkeyosaur
posted by Tibby

Comments 1

  • XxWingxX
    Okay, I sent a friend request on Skype!
    Username: XxWingzZ
