Taxi fare in Tokyo dropped from 730 yen to 410 yen
New price is 410 yen for basic price for the first 1.052 km and additional 80 yen for each 237m
I think those who live in Japan already know it, but basic taxi fare dropped as of today.
For details, please refer to following chart.
For details, please refer to following chart.
For example, you will be charged at least 410 yen for basic taxi fare.
If distance goes over 1.052km, then additional 80 yen are charged for every 237m.
As I tested today, if distance you ride on taxi is
・~1.2km, then new fare is cheaper.
・from 1.5km to 5.5km, then old fare and new fare are nealry the same.
・6km~, then new fare is more expensive than old one.
If you usually use taxis for short distance, this change is good for you.
On the other hand, if you usually ride long distance, it is not very good for you.
If distance goes over 1.052km, then additional 80 yen are charged for every 237m.
As I tested today, if distance you ride on taxi is
・~1.2km, then new fare is cheaper.
・from 1.5km to 5.5km, then old fare and new fare are nealry the same.
・6km~, then new fare is more expensive than old one.
If you usually use taxis for short distance, this change is good for you.
On the other hand, if you usually ride long distance, it is not very good for you.
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 14:12
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 14:12
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