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Extraordinary ehoumaki rice rolls 2017

Matome Culture & Lifestyle
Saturday, February 04, 2017 at 21:38

Japanese people eat ehoumaki rice roll at setsubun day

Ehoumaki rice roll
Ehoumaki rice roll
Feb 3rd is a setsubun day.
Setsubun is a popular Japanese culture. Let me cite Wikipedia for detailed explanation about setsubun.
Setsubun (節分?) is the day before the beginning of spring in Japan.
The name literally means "seasonal division", but usually the term refers to the spring Setsubun, properly called Risshun (立春) celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival (春祭 haru matsuri?).
Source: Wikipedia
In its association with the Lunar New Year, spring Setsubun can be and was previously thought of as a sort of New Year's Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the year to come.
Source: Wikipedia
This special ritual is called mamemaki (豆撒き, literally "bean scattering"). Setsubun has its origins in tsuina (追儺), a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the eighth century.
Source: Wikipedia
As you can see, setsubun is usually a bean scattering event. But there is one more unique custom about setsubun now.

That is "eating ehoumaki rice roll event".
This event is simple but bizarre. All you have to do is prepare a thick rice roll called ehoumaki (lucky direction roll) and eat it while facing the direction considered to be auspicious that year.
Ehoumaki rice roll
Ehoumaki rice roll
Source: tagenyu.info
It is said that the birthplace of ehoumaki roll event is current Osaka prefecture. This event is said to started at the end of Edo era.
At that time, Tokyo was a city for politic while Osaka was a city for business.

Even though it is unclear how this custom begun, but it is generally believed that merchants of Osaka prefecture started to make thick rice roll together and eat on setsubun day, wishing that business goes really nice that year.

Recently, ehoumaki roll is used for business

First of all, the reason why ehoumaki rolls became so famous like this is that convenience store such as Seven Eleven or lawson used this custom to make money.

They currently sell 100 thousand ehoumaki roll at setsubun day.
Ehoumaki rolls at convenience store are very cheap ones. But many other company try to make their original ehoumaki roll and sell it at setsubun day.
Some of them use quite quality ingredients. And others make very weird or gorgeous ehoumaki roll.

Let's introduce you some photos of these extraordinary ehoumaki rolls in this article!
Here we go!
丸ごとあまおう&大福入りも!エール・エルにユニークな「恵方巻ワッフル」 https://t.co/MG1ipIkPoL #恵方巻 #ワッフル https://t.co/d2jgjLKRSJ
↑Ehoumaki rice roll shaped waffle roll.
Okay, it's not rice roll anymore.
Ehoumaki sandwich
Ehoumaki sandwich
Source: Tiwtter
↑This is ehoumaki roll shaped sandwich from Lotteria.
Golden ehoumaki roll
Golden ehoumaki roll
Source: Naver
↑1Golden ehoumaki roll. How much do you think it is?
46 USD.... no way...
Shrimp ehoumaki
Shrimp ehoumaki
↑Whole shrimp ehoumaki roll.
it is just crazy. Actually shrimp has nothing to do with setsubun event.
Mr.Obama ehoumaki roll
Mr.Obama ehoumaki roll
↑Ex president Obama shaped ehoumaki roll.
It is so hard to make. And feel a little creepy to eat....
Whole crab ehoumaki roll
Whole crab ehoumaki roll
↑Whole crab ehoumaki roll.
Someone please tell me how to eat it...


さっそく予約が入っています✌️ https://t.co/OZrUCbZSka
↑ This is called insect ehoumaki roll. Not just looks like but seriously use 3 kinds of real insect. (Patanga japonica, silkworm, bee larva)
Are will willing to try? It seems they sell them quite well this year.
Tortilla Ehoumaki
Tortilla Ehoumaki
Source: macaro-ni.jp
↑This is tortilla ehoumaki.
As you might assume, this one also doesn't contain rice at all!!!!



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Extraordinary ehoumaki rice rolls 2017
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