Let's take a look at the rooms of Japanese otaku
Japanese geeks like to decorate their room with goods of what they like
Geeks always have their own styles to do anything.
If they are computer geeks, they spend incredibly long time to choose or customize their computers.
If they are anime geeks, they love the anime characters more than girls in the real life and even try to visit the location site of certain anime.
If they are figure geeks, they collect figures like crazy spending hundred thousands of yen, someone even spends more than million yen of money to collect figures.
And all these efforts shows up in their rooms.
Many of them put a lot of efforts on decorating their rooms.
Let's take a look at these keenly decorated rooms of geeks.
In this article, we will categorize geeks into following 5 categories.
・Computer geeks
・Anime geeks
・Figure geeks
・Train geeks
・Audio geeks
If they are computer geeks, they spend incredibly long time to choose or customize their computers.
If they are anime geeks, they love the anime characters more than girls in the real life and even try to visit the location site of certain anime.
If they are figure geeks, they collect figures like crazy spending hundred thousands of yen, someone even spends more than million yen of money to collect figures.
And all these efforts shows up in their rooms.
Many of them put a lot of efforts on decorating their rooms.
Let's take a look at these keenly decorated rooms of geeks.
In this article, we will categorize geeks into following 5 categories.
・Computer geeks
・Anime geeks
・Figure geeks
・Train geeks
・Audio geeks
Computer geeks
Anime geeks
Figure geeks
【目指せ痛部屋】フィギュアだらけのオタク部屋紹介! 2016/4
Source: Youtube
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Train geeks
Audio geeks
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