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Let's take a look at the t-shirts collection of Japanese professional baseball player, Ichiro

Matome Funny Stuffs
Tuesday, March 07, 2017 at 23:29

Ichiro is a mannequin of weird t-shirts

Weird T-shirts fantasista, Ichiro
Weird T-shirts fantasista, Ichiro
Source: Twitter
Maybe you believe that celebrity people like to wear fashionable clothing. However, there seems to be an exception too.
The major leaguer Ichiro is the one.

Whenever he shows up in front of the media, somehow he loves to wear pretty weird T-shirts. And his weird t-shirt collection attracted the attentions of Japanese netizens.

In this article, I would like to introduce you some samples of his weird T-shirt collections!

I can shoot Kamehamaeha beam! / かめはめ波撃てます

もず a.k.a. 五連休@_mzu
イチロー選手、いつも来ているTシャツが独特過ぎてそのうちママ会やヲタ芸マシーンTシャツを着て来てもおかしくなさそう https://t.co/1LJX9F4PU7

Ryoman holiday / リョーマの休日

イチローの面白いTシャツよりジョーブレイカーを何個持ってるかの方が気になる…全部カスタムかな?カスタム(一個4万) https://t.co/4ek3VCbmbM
Ryoman holiday is the parody of famous movie "Roman Holiday"
Ryoma (Ryoma Sakamoto: 坂本龍馬) is the famous samurai and politician of the end of Edo era and the beginning of the Meiji era.

Meat! Get me meat! / 肉、肉を食わせろ!

Give me meat
Give me meat
Source: Twitter

Hustle / ハッスル

Source: Twitter

Day of meat / 肉の日

Day of Meat
Day of Meat
Source: Twitter

I will go home at 5 pm sharp / 定時で帰る

I will go home at 5 pm sharp
I will go home at 5 pm sharp
Source: Twitter

I want to eat yakiniku grill with someone's money / 人の金で焼き肉が食べたい

I want to eat yakiniku grill with someone's money
I want to eat yakiniku grill with someone's money
Source: Twitter

Hey! You gotta come up to my level / 早く俺のレベルまで上がってこいよ

Hey! You gotta come up to my level
Hey! You gotta come up to my level
Source: Twitter

Ocosite / 起こして (Wake me up)

Source: Twitter

Roomwear / 部屋着

Source: Twitter


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Let's take a look at the t-shirts collection of Japanese professional baseball player, Ichiro
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