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My BEST 3 Japanese animes of 2016!

Matome Anime
Friday, December 23, 2016 at 18:51
When I (the author is Japanese) ask foreigners "how did you get to know about Japan?"
Most likely responses are "Anime"

Oh ya, I love Anime too.
So today I want to introduce you guys about best 3 animes of 2016!!
If there are any anime you didn’t check out yet, just check out NOW!

1, 「響け!ユーフォニアム2」 "Sound!Euphonium2"

This anime is second season of "Sound!Euphonium".
This story is about wind orchestra club of Japanese high school.

First of all, I have to explain about Japanese wind orchestra tournament system.
Many Japanese high school students who belong to wind orchestra clubs try to challenge for Wind Orchestra tournament (全日本吹奏楽コンクール).

This anime is all about that tournament.

Once pretty weak Kitauji high school wind orchestra club was reborn under new supervisor Mr.Taki.
Through tough and relentless training students finally won the regional tournament in the last season.

In this season, Kitauji students aim for the championship at the higher stage!
It is such a 青春ドラマ (adolescent drama)!!

Sound!Euphonium2 Official PV

TVアニメ『響け!ユーフォニアム2』 PV第2弾
Source: Youtube
TVアニメ『響け!ユーフォニアム2』 TOKYO MX1/ABC朝日放送/KBS京都/テレビ愛知/tvk/BS11にて2016年10月より放送開始! 【公式サイト】 http://anime-eupho.com/ 【公式Twitter】 http://twitter.com/anime_eupho Ⓒ武田綾乃・宝島社/『響け!』製作委員会

「灼熱の卓球娘」 "Scorching Ping Pong Girls"

Scorching Ping Pong Girls
Scorching Ping Pong Girls

Youtube Link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hioHlEVsUpw&t=3s In Japan, I think more than 20% of motivations for junior high students to decide which club to join are influenced by Sports Anime.
For example, I heard after "Haikyu" fever, many more students joined Valley ball club compared with normal years

This time, ping pong maybe next to be popular.
This anime depicts ping pong club students’ adolescent and passion in both comedy and serious ways.

But basically it’s quite light contents to watch, so it is perfect to watch on a couch with popcorn!

My advice, if you like "Yuruyuri" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVKr1pNyJzg) anime serious, maybe you like it.
The illustration styles look somehow similar.
Scorching Ping Pong Girls Official PV
TVアニメ「灼熱の卓球娘」 PV
Source: Youtube

3, 「夏目友人帳 伍 」 Natsume's book of friends season 5

Natsume's book of friends
Natsume's book of friends

Someone asked me "what is the speciality of Japanese Anime?"
Moe? High school based story?
No, I think the speciality of Japanese Anime is the beauty of illustration of the landscape.

Check out the Miyazaki Anime or "Non non biyori".
The depiction of the suburban area is simply amazing.

The Green Color of Forest, The brown color of house, clear color of glass!
They are more beautiful than real landscape.

And here is next anime that you can enjoy the beauty of Japanese anime!

Natsume's book of friends is about a boy named Takashi Natsume who can feel and see the Ayakashi (kind of ghost).
He moved to suburban area and accidentally unleashed old Ayakashi and he get the "contract list" of Ayakashi that his grandmother used to be friend with.

Now another season of Natsume started.
For him, Ayakashi is not only something to take control, but also purely his friends sometimes.
It is basically heart warming story, and no problem to start to watch from this 5th season.

If you have a plan to visit Japan, I really recommend you to visit suburban area of Japan as well!
Natsume's book of friends 5th season PV
「夏目友人帳 伍」 番宣PV
Source: Youtube
「夏目友人帳 伍」10月4日(火)から、テレビ東京他にて放送スタート! テレビ東京    10月4日(火)深夜1時35分~ テレビ大阪     10月4日(火)深夜1時35分~ テレビ愛知     10月4日(火)深夜3時05分~ テレビ せとうち  10月4日(火)深夜1時40分~ テレビ北海道    10月4日(火)深夜1時35分~ TVQ九州放送   …



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My BEST 3 Japanese animes of 2016!
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