Ghosts caught on camera in Japan
Believe or not... It's up to you...
Do you know "Spirit Photography"?
It means a photo with ghost caught on it.
We call it 心霊写真 (shinrei-shashin: ghost poto) in Japanese.
In Japan there are a lot of these kinds of photos.
Of course, some of them are fake, but I think some of them can be real.
Even though I cannot introduce in this article, but once I witnessed very realistic ghost photo.
It made me goose pumped within seconds...
Let me introduce you some famous ghost photos here...
It means a photo with ghost caught on it.
We call it 心霊写真 (shinrei-shashin: ghost poto) in Japanese.
In Japan there are a lot of these kinds of photos.
Of course, some of them are fake, but I think some of them can be real.
Even though I cannot introduce in this article, but once I witnessed very realistic ghost photo.
It made me goose pumped within seconds...
Let me introduce you some famous ghost photos here...
What is scary about this photo is that this was an official photo of rental apartment at real estate home page...
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 14:12
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 14:12
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