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Tokyo Metro subway released a new retro designed car for public use

Matome News
Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 15:08
Japanese railroad system has pretty good reputations for being well organized, so punctual and very modernized.
Especially, Tokyo Metro subway system is so widespread and covers almost every area of Tokyo.
State of art control system, well trained drivers and station staffs make Tokyo Metro to be one of the best subways all around the world.
Japanese train
Japanese train
But sometimes we want something oblete.
Jan 11th, 2017, Tokyo Metro disclosed newly designed and built but looks quite retro subway car at Nakano railyard.

The interior of this car is designed after the first Tokyo Metro subway in Tokyo which started to run at 1927 between current Ueno station and Asakusa station.
This first route still remains as Ginza Line.

Current Ginza Line exterior design is totally plain metal design and interior design is quite simple white colored wall and soft sofa style seat.

On the other hand, this retro car's doors and walls are made in wooden taste and floors and seats are designed as similar as possible to the original train 90 years ago.
You can check out the history on Tokyo Metro Subway at following Website.
Or if you can visit Tokyo Metro Museum at Tokyo city, you could learn about the history of Tokyo Metro.

東京地下鉄博物館 / Tokyo Metro Museum
6-3-1, Higashi-Kasai, Edogawa Ward, Tokyo city
Interior design of current Ginza Line train
Interior design of current Ginza Line train
Source: Youtube
東京メトロ銀座線に、90年前に走っていた日本で初めての地下鉄と同じデザインの車両が登場します。 東京メトロは、銀座線1000系の2つの編成を開通当時の車両をモチーフにした特別仕様のデザインにして導入します。外装だけでなく、車内も当時を再現しています。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news] http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ann/
As of 1927, Japanese subway was the first subway in entire asian countries.
If you luckily get on this train while you visit Japan, do enjoy the atmosphere of the old good Japanese subway.


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  • beeant
    The interior design of the current train looks so plain and more retro to me. Also, the interior of the retro design looks a bit more futuristic. Reminds me of trains in Final Fantasy.

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Tokyo Metro subway released a new retro designed car for public use
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