Top 5 古民家 (Kominka: Japanese traditional old house) hotels in Japan
What is 古民家 (Kominka)?
古民家 (Kominka) means Japanese traditional old houses.
Architectural features are mainly as follows
・Built without using any nails
・Roof is covered with thatch
・Unlike current Japanese house, many kinds of lumbers to fit the purpose, such as using cedar tree for perishable part or using pine tree for timbering beam.
・Built more than 60 to 70 years ago
These architectural features enhance the life as a house. If properly built, 古民家 would last for 200~300 years.
In old days there were so many 古民家s everywhere in Japan.
But after Japanese economic miracle (1954) starts, many of 古民家s were replaced by modern houses.
However, in suburbia areas (田舎: inaka), 古民家s are still out there.
Architectural features are mainly as follows
・Built without using any nails
・Roof is covered with thatch
・Unlike current Japanese house, many kinds of lumbers to fit the purpose, such as using cedar tree for perishable part or using pine tree for timbering beam.
・Built more than 60 to 70 years ago
These architectural features enhance the life as a house. If properly built, 古民家 would last for 200~300 years.
In old days there were so many 古民家s everywhere in Japan.
But after Japanese economic miracle (1954) starts, many of 古民家s were replaced by modern houses.
However, in suburbia areas (田舎: inaka), 古民家s are still out there.
Recently, 古民家s are reevaluated and some of them are reformed and reused as private houses or hotels.
These “古民家 hotels” are so unique and you can experience traditional Japanese house.
Recentlty most of hotels are western style and uniform everywhere.
If you want to experience something special, I think it is good choice to visit 古民家 hotels.
In this article I would like to introduce best 5 古民家 hotels in Japan!
note: Mayb some of these 古民家 hotels cannot accomodate foreign people due to the language problem. Please note that we did not check that these place are available for foreign people or not.
These “古民家 hotels” are so unique and you can experience traditional Japanese house.
Recentlty most of hotels are western style and uniform everywhere.
If you want to experience something special, I think it is good choice to visit 古民家 hotels.
In this article I would like to introduce best 5 古民家 hotels in Japan!
note: Mayb some of these 古民家 hotels cannot accomodate foreign people due to the language problem. Please note that we did not check that these place are available for foreign people or not.
No.5 彩里 / irori
This place is located at Izu, which is one of the most famous resort area in Japan.
You can charter whole house.
Interior is so Japanese style and looks pretty new.
You can charter whole house.
Interior is so Japanese style and looks pretty new.
Official HP
No.4 棚田の宿 ささゆり庵 / Rice Terrace Villa Sasayuri-ann
Only one pair can stay here at a night.
Well renovated, but still looks and feels like old good Japanese days.
You can enjoy Irori experience at this place.
Irori is Japanese style fire place. You can grill fished there.
Well renovated, but still looks and feels like old good Japanese days.
You can enjoy Irori experience at this place.
Irori is Japanese style fire place. You can grill fished there.
Official HP
The single large villa is provided for your exclusive use during lodging.
No.3 日本の宿 ひだ高山 倭乃里 / Nihon no yado Hida Takayama Wanosato
Nihon no yado Hida Takayama Wanosato
This place is located in the middle of mountain, and looks genuine 古民家 and it is also famous for their service and foods.
You can enjoy local foods at high ranked restaurant on Japanese famous gourmet website
You can enjoy local foods at high ranked restaurant on Japanese famous gourmet website
Official HP
No.2 あすか癒俚の里 森羅塾 / Asuka iyari no sato shinra juku
Asuka iyari no sato shinra juku
Asuka iyari no sato shinra juku
This place commands simply too beautiful view.
Neverending rural view filled with green.
Being completely isolated from modern urban life, you can feel relax from the bottom of heart.
Like other 古民家 hotels, only one guest group can exclusively stay here in a day.
If you feel tired from your daily life, this place is so good for you to recover your power.
Neverending rural view filled with green.
Being completely isolated from modern urban life, you can feel relax from the bottom of heart.
Like other 古民家 hotels, only one guest group can exclusively stay here in a day.
If you feel tired from your daily life, this place is so good for you to recover your power.
Official HP
部屋の縁側に座ると目の前に広がるのはどこまでも続く長閑な田園風景。耳を澄ますと聞こえてくるのは鳥の声、そして目を閉じれば感じるのは風の匂い。ここにあるのは ただただゆっくりと流れる時間だけ。大切な人や長閑な風景と向き合う時間を、飛鳥の宿で過ごしてみませんか。現代人が忘れてしまった贅沢がここにあります。
No.1 梢の雪 / Kozue no Yuki
This place is simply magnificent…
Far isolated from urban city, You have to take a train for 3 hours from Tokyo and afterward take a bus for 20min and you get there.
Unlike other 古民家 hotel, around 10 people can stay here at the same time.
And hotel staff will not serve guests. They are willing to help you of course, but guests are meant to work together and make breakfast, lunch and dinner.
At 梢の雪, there are no guests. Guests work like a family and create a cozy suburbia life together.
Many of guests extend their stay after spending one night here.
I have been there and extended 2 days.
It is simply comfortable place to stay.
This place is my best recommedation so far!
Official HP
古民家 hotel is not super comfortable like modern hotels, but instead you can get a precious memory of traditional Japanese house.
If you get a chance to visit Japan, I recommend to stay 古民家 hotel to understand more about Japan!
If you get a chance to visit Japan, I recommend to stay 古民家 hotel to understand more about Japan!
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 14:12
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