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Best anime songs ever from the past until present

Top 20 of best anime song ever! Find your favorites.

Anime is already one of the symbols of Japan.
Otaku cultures including anime, manga, moe games, and voice actor(esse)s are now the biggest hallmark of Japanese cultures.

Economic scale of anime industry is grown bigger than 13 billion dollars a year.
But pure sales on anime itself such as DVDs and Blu-Ray Disks are merely less than whole economic size. There are massive income from character goods, Anime song CDs, entrance fee of the live performances of anime song by voice actor(esse)s.

Especially anime song is now becoming an independent culture.
Anime fans like not only anime itself but also voice actor(esse)s who play roles in the anime.
By making voice actor(esse)s to sing the opening and ending song can save money to pay for independent singer to sing and also make it possible to make brand new songs that fit the atmosphere of anime itself.

Recently, there are a lot of live performances by voice actor(esse)s. The total number of attendees of famous voice actoress's live performance even hit more than 55,000.

History of anison (anime song)

Anime song is often called "anison" for short.

The first anison recorded in the history was released at 1944.
The fisrt big hit was released at 1963, which is the theme song of "Astro Boy".
It was a smash hit of 1.2 million.

At 2000s, serious of "Detective conan" opening songs made by Mai Kuraki were entirely successful hits including million hits.
at 2011, legendary anison was born. Theme song of Neon Genesis EVANGELION, " A Cruel Angel's Thesis" which got JASRAC Award that means most downloaded and sung at Karaoke
At 2016, Radwimps who is the singer of the theme song of "Your name is." got 58th Japan Record Award.
Your name is.
Your name is.
Now, let me introduce the best anisons ever!

Saraba / さらば by Kinmokusei

Theme song of "Atashinchi"
キンモクセイ ‐ さらば
Source: Youtube

Share The World / by TVXQ

Theme song of "One Piece"
東方神起 / Share The World
Source: Youtube
東方神起 / Share The World http://toho-jp.net/

Kanashimi yo Konnichiwa / 悲しみよこんにちわ by Yuki Saito

Theme song of Maison Ikkoku
斉藤由貴 / 悲しみよこんにちは ♪
Source: Youtube
作詞:森雪之丞 作曲:玉置浩二 リリース:1986年3月21日 レーベル:ポニーキャニオン

Genesis of Aquarion / AKINO

Theme song of Genesis of Aquarion
Source: Youtube
創生のアクエリアスじゃないですよ!創生のアクエリオンですよwww よろしければチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします!僕もできる限りチャンネル登録返します!チャンネル登録してくださる方はコメントください!

A Cruel Angel's Thesis / 残酷な天使のテーゼ by Yoko Takahashi

Theme song of Neon Genesis Evangelion
EVA 残酷な天使のテーゼ Q ver
Source: Youtube

Moonlight Densetsu / ムーンライト伝説 by DALI

Theme song of Sailor Moon
DALI - Moonlight Densetsu (ムーンライト伝説) Sailor Moon
Source: Youtube



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Best anime songs ever from the past until present
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