Slang and internet phrases
English Public
A notes list I made to practise slang/online vocabulary, some can't be found in the dictionary.
Definition sources:
Dictionaries (mostly Tangorin + Rikaisama)
Google search
NND vocabulary:
FRB meaning:
Definition sources:
Dictionaries (mostly Tangorin + Rikaisama)
Google search
NND vocabulary:
FRB meaning:
by Ametrine
Vocabulary List
- ウケルWord used in reaction to something that is funny.new45964
- しける / しけてるbad; distasteful; displeasing;new45963
- しゃれる / しゃれてるFrom おしゃれ. Describes something as stylish or good.new45962
- FRBAbbreviation of "フォロー・リムーブ・ブロック" (follow, remove, block) , a term you may see in online profilesnew45834
- 涙腺崩壊るいせんほうかいlaugh to tearsnew45075
- 人類には早すぎるじんるいにははやすぎるhumanity isn't ready for thisnew45072
- 吹いたら負けふいたらまけ"you laugh, you lose"new45071
- AV"animal video" or "adult video"new45070
- 腹筋崩壊ふっきんほうかいbust my guts laughingnew45069
- m9ぷぎゃpoint and laughnew45068
- ggrksぐぐれかすgo Google itnew45063
- 乙おつgood job; job well done;new45062
- (ryabbreviated or cut shortnew45061
- ノシA goodbye wave emoticon (not spoken)new45059
- 弾幕だんまくbarrage; scrolling text artnew45058
- 凸待ちとつまちSkype menew45057
- ぬこalteration of the word ねこ; kat;new45055
- コメslang for "comment"new45053
- 運コメうんコメadmin commentnew45051
- コテハンalias, fixed username;new45046
- 生主なまぬしlive broadcasternew45044
- ボカロVocalo; slang for "Vocaloid"new45043
- リア充リアじゅうhappy off-linersnew45041
- うpuploadnew45040
- 8888パチパチパチパチ*Clapclapclapclap*; a clapping sound;new44818
- gjGood jobnew44817
- ネタバレSpoiler (of media such as movies)new44814
- やべーDangerous; risky;new44811
- すげーIncredible; unbelievable;new44810
- ktkrきたこれ(Expression of) satisfaction; achievement; it's herenew44803
- kskかそくExceleration; speeding up;new44802
- ncNice cutnew44801
- wわらLOL; hahanew44800
- wktkわくてかbeing excited; having the jitters (with expectation)new44797
- 実況プレイじっきょうプレイLet's Play; recording of a videogame playthroughnew44795