Art related vocabulary
English Public
Words related to visual art, such as illustrations and animation.
Some definitions from Tangorin and Rikaichan. Other words were found on Pixiv, and seemed to not be in Japanese-to-English dictionaries.
Other definition sources:
顔彩 (がんさい):
Some definitions from Tangorin and Rikaichan. Other words were found on Pixiv, and seemed to not be in Japanese-to-English dictionaries.
Other definition sources:
顔彩 (がんさい):
by Ametrine
Vocabulary List
- アナログ絵アナログえart drawn with physical mediumsnew50482
- デジタル絵デジタルえdigital artnew50479
- 下書きしたがきrough copy; draft; draught;new45399
- ペンタブAbbreviation of "pen tablet".new44821
- 清書せいしょclean copynew43564
- 美術館びじゅつかんart gallery, art museumnew43558
- 設定せっていestablishment; creation; setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene; options or preference settings (in computer software); configuration; assignment; setupnew43518
- コピックコピックcopic (a brand of markers by Too)new43017
- クーピーペンシルクーピーペンシルcoupy pencilnew43016
- クレパスクレパスpastel crayonsnew43014
- 顔彩がんさいgansainew43008
- 筆ペンふでペンcalligraphy pennew43007
- 万年筆まんねんひつfountain pennew43003
- サインペンサインペンfelt-tip pennew43000
- エアブラシエアブラシairbrushnew42999
- カラーインクカラーインクcoloured inknew42997
- 水彩色鉛筆すいさいいろえんぴつwatercolour pencilsnew42993
- マジックマジックmagic marker, felt-tip pennew42991
- クレヨンクレヨンcrayonnew42990
- 絵の具えのぐpaint, colouring materials, coloursnew42986
- アクリルアクリルacrylicnew42984
- 油彩ゆさいoil paintingnew42981
- 透明水彩とうめいすいさいwatercolour, transparent watercolournew42979
- 筆ふでwriting brushnew42974
- つけペンつけペンdip pen, nib pennew42973
- ミリペンミリペンfineliner pen, drawing pennew42971
- シャープペンシルシャープペンシルmechanical pencilnew42967
- 色鉛筆いろえんぴつcolour pencilnew42965
- パレットパレットpalettenew42964
- 郷土色きょうどしょくlocal colournew42963
- 色いろcolournew42961
- 色彩しきさいcolour, hue, tintsnew42960
- 彩度さいどchroma, chroma saturation, colour saturationnew42955
- スクリーントーンスクリーントーンscreentonenew42952
- 鉛筆削りえんぴつけずりpencil sharpenernew42951
- 消しゴムけしゴムerasernew42950
- カリグラフィーカリグラフィーcalligraphy —especially calligraphy not based on Chinese charactersnew42949
- 書道しょどうcalligraphy —Especially calligraphy based on Chinese charactersnew42947
- ペンペンpennew42945
- 鉛筆えんぴつpencilnew42942
- 墨絵すみえink paintingnew42939
- ペンタブレットペンタブレットpen tablet, drawing tabletnew42938
- 絵本えほんpicture booknew42937
- 漫画まんがcomicsnew42936
- コマこまpanel of a comic, frame of a film, etcnew42934
- イラストイラストillust, abbreviation of "illustration"new42933
- イラストレーションイラストレーションillustrationnew42932
- 原稿げんこうmanuscriptnew42931
- 塗りぬりcolouring (a drawing), painting, coatingnew42930
- 色分けいろわけcolour keying, colour codingnew42928
- 線画せんがline drawing, line artnew42927
- ラフラフrough, draft, sketchnew42926
- 構図こうずcompositionnew42925