Otaku World
English Public
Terms and some overly used words that are related to Japan popular culture...
by silverdew
Vocabulary List
- 美男イケメンGood Looking Mannew24270
- 馬鹿ばかfool; idiot; jerk; dolt; imbecile; foolish; stupid; worthless; absurd; ridiculous; idioticnew24269
- 突っ込みツッコミa type of Japanese comedy that usually covers a generally smarter and more reasonable character criticizing, verbally and physically abusing another character for their mistakes and exaggerations.new24268
- 姫ひめPrincess, Noble Ladynew24267
- 乙女ゲームおとめゲームOtome Gamenew24266
- 美少年びしょうねんBeautiful Boynew24265
- 美少女びしょうじょBeautiful young girlnew24264
- ツンデレツンデレa Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over timenew24262
- コスプレコスプレCosplaynew24260
- 萌えもえa particular kind of "adorable", one specific type of "cute", mainly as applied to fictional charactersnew24257
- オムライスオムライスOmelette Ricenew24254
- メイドカフェメイドカフェMaid Cafenew24253
- 漫喫まんきつManga Cafenew24250
- オタクオタクGeek, Nerd, Enthusiastnew24243
- 彼氏かれしBoyfriendnew24240
- 彼女かのじょShe, Her, Girlfriendnew24238
- ひきこもりひきこもりWithdrawed (Person)new24236
- 可愛いかわいいCutenew24235