English Public
A song my PSYQUI. This song really perplexes me, since I know pretty much all the vocab, yet I can't grasp well what it all means..
by SkyeChain
Vocabulary List
- 真実しんじつtruth/realitynew55493
- 気取るきどるto put on airs/to affectnew55492
- 溺れるおぼれるto be drowned/to indulge innew55491
- 流すながすto drain/to float/to shed (blood, tears)new55490
- 目を離すめをはなすto take one's eyes offnew55489
- 泣き叫ぶなきさけぶto cry and shout/to screamnew55488
- 追いかけるおいかけるto chase downnew55487
- 邪魔じゃまhinderancenew55486
- 横顔よこがおface in profilenew55485
- 凝らすこらすto concentrate; to devote; to apply; to strain; to racknew55484
- 傍そばbesidenew55483
- 触れるふれるto touchnew55482