Similar to 染色体異常
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureComputer Systems Research Group
Computer Systems Research GroupConcurrent Versions System
Concurrent Versions SystemController Area Network
CAN busCR多様体
CR manifoldCSIRAC
15th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Latvian)第20SS武装擲弾兵師団
20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian)AM (航空機)
Martin AM MaulerAMX (航空機)
AMX International AMXANT-20 (航空機)
Tupolev ANT-20Apache Wicket
Apache WicketAxiom (数式処理システム)
Axiom (computer algebra system)XB-70 (航空機)
North American XB-70 ValkyrieBDWM交通
Bremgarten-Dietikon-BahnBerkeley Software Distribution
Berkeley Software Distribution98年世代
Generation of '98CAF (企業)
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles50
50 (number)1349
1349 (band)遺伝学入門
Introduction to genetics遺伝学
2R hypothesisABCモデル
ABC model of flower developmentDNAシークエンシング
DNA sequencingDNAワクチン
DNA vaccineDNAワクチン接種
GAL4/UAS system