(v1,vi) to slide
to slip off
to get dislocated
to be out of alignment
to get dislodged
to deviate
to shift (position)
to be out of sync.
to be slightly off
to be off-point
(adv) much
(adv) without (doing)
instead of
(exp) be supposed or expected to (do)
be sure to (do)
ought to (do)
(v5r) to bungle
to make things awkward
(n) type of bamboo
(adj-i) (abbr) difficult
(adv-to) strongly
with all one's strength
(n,vs) over-sophistication
(vz,vt) (1) to be anxious or concerned about
to ponder (anxiously)
to fear
(2) to investigate
to consider
to plan
(vz,vt) (1) to be anxious or concerned about
to ponder (anxiously)
to fear
(2) to investigate
to consider
to plan
(adv) (uk) for the present
in outline
(adv) (uk) for the present
in outline
(v5r,vt) (1) to drag along
to pull
(2) to force someone along
(3) to prolong
to drag out
(4) to influence strongly
to seduce
(v5r,vi) (1) to be reflected (in)
to be mirrored (in)
(2) to impress (a person)
(v5r,vt) to compose (e.g. poem)
to recite
to sing
(vz,vt) to perform
to play
(vz,vi) to answer
to respond
to meet
to satisfy
to accept
(n,vs) horizontal friction
(v5k) to kowtow (to bow from a kneeling position such that the forehead touches the ground)
to prostrate oneself
to give a deep, reverent bow
(vz,vi) to feel
to sense
(vz,vt) to view
to contemplate
(exp) in spite of
regardless of
(ik) (v5k) to be grounded on
to be based on
to be due to
to originate from
(exp) (1) being inferior to
being no match for
(2) being best
(vz,vi) to amuse oneself
to make merry
(vz,vt) to forbid
to suppress
(v5r,vt) to chant
to recite
to sing
(n) silver gray
silver grey
(v5r,vi) to be fragrant