(n) (comp) justified
(v5t) to be dripping wet
to get drenched to the skin
(n) stroke (blocked blood vessel in brain)
cerebral infarction
(v5s) to praise
to extol
(n) rough estimation
(v5s) to praise
to extol
(exp,v5s) to change the subject (e.g. away from something awkward or inconvenient)
(int) (1) (col) oh yes!
(2) I remember
Oh, now I remember
(n) polite language used by women
(exp) (uk) (pol) (fem) I beg your pardon
(exp) meanwhile
(int) (col) yes
that is so
(exp) almost (did)
nearly (did)
(adj-i) careless
(v5r,vi) to throw one's chest out
to hold one's head high
(v5k,exp) to turn away
to face away
(exp) unexpectedly
considering all that
(exp) to feel like it
to get to think that way
to become so minded
(n,adj-no) stopgap
temporary measure
(n) in that case
(n) (1) financially scraping by
meagre existence (meager)
hand to mouth existence
(2) living one's life without plan
living life day-by-day
taking life one day at a time
(exp) to learn by heart (rote)
to memorize
to memorise
(exp) nevertheless
at any rate
even so
(exp) in addition to this
(exp) by the way
(exp) in that case
(might not be what was expected or hoped for but) if that's the case
(exp,int) (1) My goodness (expresses surprise, wonder, etc.)
(adv) (2) very
(exp) why yes, thank you
(n) all
(exp) (id) I told you so