(v1) to fabricate a web of lies
(adj-i) disagreeable
(v1) to press together
(adj-f) yellowish
(exp) infected with diarrhea (diarrhoea)
(exp) no one at all
no one, who he or she may be
(exp) no one at all
no one, who he or she may be
(exp) no one at all
no one, who he or she may be
(n) (comp) offered load
(exp) to let (a person) have the credit for (the success)
(exp) (1) the past
bygone days (years, age, etc.)
(2) the course (route) one has come by
the direction one came from
(exp) pie in the sky
castle in the air
(exp) pie in the sky
castle in the air
(exp) pie in the sky
castle in the air
(exp) in a coquettish tone
(adj-f) rotund
(adj-f) rotund
(exp) to encourage someone to expect something
to raise someone's hopes
(adj-f) bosom (buddy)
trusted (friend)
(exp) reaching back into one's memory
to search one's mind
to recall
(n) tortoise-shaped scrubbing brush (from company name)
(n) if you don't mind
if you like
(n) petrol cap
(exp) unable to stay (on)
feel like running away
(n) admittee
(n) idle thoughts
vague (loose) ideas
(n) blessed people
favored (privileged) people (favoured)
(n) blessed people
favored (privileged) people (favoured)
(exp) before ... days (months, etc.)
(n) chipped cup