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Compounds of て

  • (v5s) to praise extravagantly
    to lionize
    to lionise
    to make much of
  • (adv) in some cases
    on occasions
  • (exp) (col) all at once (usu. of payment)
    at one go
  • (n) picture frame (with stand)
    framed pictures
  • (n) photographic prints that you don't keep
  • (n) (1) small okurigana used with kanbun
    (2) small kana used for diphthongs (ya, yo, yu, i, etc.)
  • (v5r,vt) to abandon (ship)
  • (n) (MA) sutemi-waza (judo sacrifice throw)
  • (n) sharp parting remark
  • (v5k,vt) to leave as is
    to ignore
  • (n,vs) sacrifice sale
    selling for a song
  • (v1,vt) to boil or simmer
  • (n,vs) a hindrance
  • (exp) to do something young (e.g. die)
  • (adv) mainly
  • (n) (1) collection (of a debt)
    (2) patronage
    (adj-no) (3) fresh (e.g. freshly picked)
  • (n,n-adv) just-harvested
    something freshly harvested or gathered (usually produce)
  • (n,n-adv) just-harvested
    something freshly harvested or gathered (usually produce)
  • (v1,vt) to throw away
  • (exp) above all
  • (exp) in particular
    worth mentioning
  • (v1,vt) (1) to collect (debts)
    to dun
    to exact
    to extort
    (2) to appoint
    to promote
    to give patronage
    (3) to emphasize
    to focus on
    to call attention to
  • (n) money collected
  • (v1,vi) (1) to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised)
    to be flustered
    to panic
    (2) to be in a hurry
    to rush
  • (conj) concerning
  • (exp) late in autumn
    late in fall
  • (v1,vt) to kick up
  • (v5u,vt) (1) to allot
    to allocate
    (2) to supply with
    to furnish
    (3) to fit to
    to fasten to
    to apply to
  • (exp) quietly
  • (v5k-s) to go out and away
    to leave
