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I found a nice little patch of level 2 questions that had only been answered 28 times. I thought I… - Feed Post from wigglysquire to mog86uk

I found a nice little patch of level 2 questions that had only been answered 28 times. I thought I had exhausted everything in levels 1-3 .
posted by wigglysquire

Comments 3

  • mog86uk
    Gah! Well it's good to know you've got a little more chance of reaching rank 1 before running out. You might find you have kanji questions remaining for some levels. If you leave the Practice settings set to their defaults, then you encounter vocabulary questions over kanji at a ratio of 2:1. This is because the encounter formula seems to treat the three question types equally, even though vocab and reverse vocab question types are both for vocabulary items. So maybe you'll find some straggler kanji questions hiding in other levels too? ^^
  • mog86uk
    I still plan to beat you in the race to rank 1, however unlikely the possibility of that might look right now, so don't go easy... :P
  • wigglysquire
    Yea, kanji questions are almost all I'm relying on right now lol
