Hi I noticed you were the top user for March! おめでとうございます。I am also a learner. A very slow learner.… - Feed Post from teapotichi to Twoai
Hi I noticed you were the top user for March! おめでとうございます。I am also a learner. A very slow learner. Do you also speak English? If you don't just answer in Japanese. Can any one talk on jpclass? Is it in the forums? How can we help each other? I have not talked to anyone on here except my daughter so I don't really know how to get around. Let me know if you do. よろしくおにがいします。ありがとがざいます。
posted by teapotichi April 14, 2012 at 8:15pm
Comments 19
- Hello, teapotichi. ^^
You can speak to people around jpclass through their comment boxes like this.
Ask the question to active people and you may get an answer. Actually, I also never talk to people here. So, thank you for your comment. ^^
よろしくお願いします。^^April 15, 2012 at 5:00am - Cool. I am learning. I will friend you, I just wanted to talk to you first to see if we can communicate. Your English seems really good. My Japanese is really weak, since I don't know grammar and sentences are difficult for me. I am not an official student. I just learn by myself and my daughter occasionally helps me. She is the college student who has class. I am just the old mom trying not to loose my brain power with age.Talk to me and tell me how to challenge and stuff like that. Where are you in the world?? I am in Arizona in the USA. I was trying to figure out what time zone you are in so we could be on at the same time. じゃねー。April 15, 2012 at 8:17am
- So you're a cool mom then. ^^
I'm in Osaka of Japan as an 留学生.April 15, 2012 at 10:33am - I try. My daughter and I are best friends. She is 22yrs. old and a だ学生 also. What are you studying and at what university? She will attend Arizona State University in the Fall semester. I see you were several hours ago. We are going to a Japanese speech contest tomorrow, so I promised to go to bed early. She is in the contest with the winner getting a ticket to Japan. We are both excited. Hope we can sleep! This is a weird way to talk! We should use Skype or something. じゃねー。April 15, 2012 at 3:56pm
- Good luck for the speech contest. ^^
I have installed Skype, but I haven't create the account. I'll try. By the way, what is yours? ^^April 16, 2012 at 8:41am - My daughter didn't win a prize, but we had a lot of fun and met many new friends. There were very few prizes and over 50 contestants. I am so tired from being there all day, but I still have to practice. I see you are the number one user today. I shall try to change that!!LOL I have to practice probably 3 or 4 times harder than someone your age to learn about 1/4 as much stuff. When you have an old brain it is much harder to learn and remember new knowledge. I even went on my Skype and put a picture, because I haven't been on in months and they changed all the stuff. I did not want to, they forced me. So now I am all set. If you come on here or on Skype in the next few hours I will still be on. It is only midnight here. My skype name is just the same as my name on here...Teapotichi. I love teapots and collect them. Hope you get out of class soon! Later! CindyApril 16, 2012 at 4:06pm
- I still couldn't beat you today. It's 2:35am and I am so tired.
(つかれはてる I think this is right.)I was up till 2am Sun. also. I got lots of points that day. Now too tired to see straight. Get your Skype fixed and maybe we can meet up on there depending on your school schedule. CindyApril 16, 2012 at 6:44pm - Hey Twoai, I see your points are going up. I was going to try to beat you today. I keep having problems in the practice screen with freezing. Then I have to refresh and reset the settings on the practice window. I am never going to catch you. I am on now, trying to practice.April 17, 2012 at 12:55pm
- hi twoaiApril 26, 2012 at 11:20am
- Hai hai ( ´ ▽ ` )ノApril 28, 2012 at 10:32pm
- Hey Twoai. I have been lazy and not even coming to Jpclass. I got a present early for my たんじょび。It is called a Kindle. It is for electronic books, pod casts, music just about everything. I can even use Wi-fi and 3G if I am not by a hot spot. I am having so much fun, I can't be motivated to go learn my Japanese. I even downloaded my new podcasts in learning Korean. I love Korean too. I am so bad...LOL. It seems language is my thing and my daughters too. I just do it for fun. Did you say you are learning in Japan in order to work there? I read all the time about their shortage of healthcare workers because of their large number of aging population. They have been hard on the nurses from Indonesia and I belive Tawain, I can't remember if that is correct. They make them take the test in two years with kanji it the testing. Will you be allowed to stay in the country and work indefinitely? Will you be a citizen or permanent resident allowed to work there? I don't understand immigration stuff and the U.S. is very different for lots of stuff.April 29, 2012 at 8:49am
- Amazon Kindle? Cool. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))April 29, 2012 at 10:10am
- Yep! Amazon Kindle Touch 3G! It is so cool. So easy to buy things and spend money. I have Wi-Fi right in the house and 3G anywhere else. The best part is I don't have to pay a fee monthly for internet. I can search google, facebook and lots of stuff in the Kindle. I listened to music while reading last night. Just quiet music without words. Now, if I could just study those pesky Japanese verbs. Native Japanese speakers have no idea what I am talking about when I say that different types of verbs, since they don't learn them like that. All I want to do is get stuff for my Kindle and read. I even have some Japanese books on it, in English, for instruction. Haven't even started them yet. So how long will you study in Japan? Answer some stuff I already asked you silly! LOL.April 29, 2012 at 12:16pm
- LOL. I don't know about administration stuff. My study is scheduled in 3 years and I can go to a university after that if my progress is good.April 29, 2012 at 12:37pm
- Cool. Sounds like you have a lot to do for schooling. You are the same age as my daughter, well she is two months older than you. Fortunately her instruction is in English. She would love to study in Japan, but we just can't afford it. She heard from another student it was $16,000 USD for some time period she is not even sure of. She is having a hard time getting financial aid to go to a different university next semester and that is for here in our state. So now she is having her final tests for this semester and under a lot of stress. So you live in a dorm? Do you have roommates? I can't believe you have to go to school for 3 years and THEN go to university. That seems like a really long time. My daughter will have her 4year degree in a little over another year, unless she has to have a semester off because of finances. Man, I better get to work! Too much goofing off. I just study for fun, but often feel bad when I don't study. Must learn to keep my old brain functioning. Now, I better get those verbs done.April 29, 2012 at 3:02pm
- Yes, I live in a dorm. A single room for single person. So, I don't have any roommates. :DApril 29, 2012 at 9:17pm
- Hi Twoai. I have been lazy and not come back for awhile. I don't even turn on my Skype. I got my Birthday present early and have been enjoying it. I got a Kindle Touch 3G. So I have been reading and buying e-books. It is so fun. I even tried buying an instructional book for Japanese but had to return it because the illustrations were for color and the Japanese was too small to be read. Amazon said they may be able to fix it and then I can buy it again. I was trying to use my Kindle for Japanese, but it seems there is really bad formatting for Japanese text and fonts. Sometimes you can zoom on images, but then it won't work for all texts. So therefore, no Japanese studying has been happening. How are your studies going? What are they teaching you first in your class? How does the Indonesian language help with Japanese? Are there similarities? Does using this site help in your studies? What helps the most? I really have a problem making sentences and remembering particles and of course, the kanji. I love to write them, but don't know very many and all the readings. Work hard. じゃねー。May 5, 2012 at 5:51pm
- I am in long weekend since 3rd May. It's called The Golden Week because 3rd to 5th May are national holidays. They teach our class about particles, kanjis, daily conversation and expresion. In some following chapters they also will teach us polite verbs. In beginning of class, everyday we do a memorized conversation and "kakitori", writing what sensei said. Bahasa and Nihongo are really different. This website helps me to remember vocabularies, kanji, and its reading. がんばってください。(^o^)May 5, 2012 at 7:34pm
- こにちはけんじとさき。げんきですね。I am actually going to do some work today. I know about Golden week. We have friends in Japan. Sounds like fun. Wish I was there. I read about Japan news almost everyday. I saw that the last nuclear plant is being shut down, probably for regular maintenance,suposedly today or tomorrow. Then the article said they will most likely have to resort to rolling blackouts to make sure that power doesn't just suddenly go out somewhere. I bet that is going to be hot. They have some power alternatives and are buying oil from Iran, I think I read, I could have the wrong country. So I keep up with what's going on there since we are interested in the country's future and progress. My daughter thinks she wants to live in the country and work there. That may change depending on what her major becomes. It will still involve Japanese, just not necessarily living there. Where is your family? What activities will you do for Golden week? What are your interests? What are you studying for your future job, besides Japanese? I love medical stuff and have background education in Medical Records. I could be of some help to you. じゃまた。May 6, 2012 at 7:51am