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Yo, just wanted to say thanks a lot for this site. JLPT online results were out in my country, and… - Feed Post by arjey100

Yo, just wanted to say thanks a lot for this site. JLPT online results were out in my country, and I passed N3. Two more to go.
posted by arjey100

Comments 9

  • mog86uk
    Awesome, congratulations! ^^

    I'm not sure if I'd even be able to pass N4 yet. Are you trying to reach N1? N1 looks insanely hard... looks hard enough just for Japanese people to do.
  • arjey100
    I'm still too inexperienced, but my goal is still N1. I'll try for N2 this year.
  • REI0
    Good for u man! I just passed the N5, instead! I didn't even wanted to mention it (low level) but since you said it about yourself...
  • arjey100
    Hey, that's why we're all here, right?
  • REI0
    Yeah, you're right! I hope that everyone on this website will be able to achieve the N1 first or later.
  • Tinker
    Congratulations to you two! I hope I can take it in the near future (quite far from big cities).
  • REI0
    Yeah, that's true Tinker! Luckily I live in Rome and here theree's an institute of Japanese Culture! In Italy only in 3 cities is available the JLPT for example!
  • Tinker
    In my case I live quite far north-east from Montreal, and the nearest cities that have JLPT are Ottawa and New York. I wish they had at least the exam in Montreal.
  • arjey100
    Wow, now I feel really lucky that the JLPT is easily accessible here.


