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small issue - Feed Post by MintyHippo

small issue http://puu.sh/9d01F/9d8a366c36.jpg nothing else seems to end in ろ
posted by MintyHippo

Comments 5

  • MintyHippo
    Also perhaps an option to delete comments or edit so I could do some cropping to that pic >_<
  • beeant
    do you want to delete this post? due to privacy concern? or do you want to change the link to the pic? please let me know the new link.
  • mog86uk
    It does seem a little too easy to have kanji questions where only one answer actually matches the okurigana -- makes it more of a hiragana practice than kanji reading practice. There's quite a lot of these though, and I don't think it's actually a bug?

    That screenshot seems pretty standard - I wouldn't worry about it. At least you didn't have online banking open or something like that. :P

    Interesting, that in your screenshot you can see part of this bug is occurring too:
  • MintyHippo
    @beeant that link works for it's purpose I just forgot to crop it, minor details really.

    @mog86uk yeah that's more of the thing, not really an "issue" per-say just first time I have seen it. The other bug occurred because I just let it run on my other screen and hadn't used the page in a while I guess.
  • KuuderesShadow
    That's not as bad as the ones with numbers (in roman numerals) when only one of the options has the numbers in it...


