I need to actually push myself to go for the JLPT this next time around (since I just missed the… - Feed Post by Arachkid
I need to actually push myself to go for the JLPT this next time around (since I just missed the deadline for this summer, that means December 2015). I got the N5 when I first got to Japan, and meant to take it again year after year since then - now it's been 5 years, and I'm sure I could take the N3 (if it weren't for grammar I could take the N2 or even do passably on the N1, according to results on practice tests). But every year life gets in the way or I decide to take driving lessons or yadda yadda yadda... this year I want to take N3... or maybe N2 - September is a long time (when you have to register). Going to go for it, just looking to see if anyone else here is going to take it, too? Maybe we could have a conversation about that. (Funny enough, I started out hating kanji above all else, got to the point where my logic center went... hey... this all makes perfect sense! Let's cram on kanji forever since there are so many apps and websites that make it easy to do)
posted by Arachkid