New goal. 10,000 combo. With no way to sort, I could see 6 people in the top ~200 that have a 10k+… - Feed Post by MintyHippo
New goal. 10,000 combo. With no way to sort, I could see 6 people in the top ~200 that have a 10k+ combo. Would love a rankings sort by beeant :D
posted by MintyHippo July 12, 2015 at 12:22am
Comments 4
- I'm fairly certain the previous version of JCJP had the ability to sort the rankings by combo. I make way too many typos to ever beat my current max combo.
I saw you in Practice earlier. I was trying to keep up with you while I was typing all the answers. I think I managed to, just about. We both answered around 115 questions in the same amount of time after the day changed. I probably wouldn't have stood a chance if you actually knew I was racing you though. :DJuly 12, 2015 at 12:51am - Found an image on my profile of the old version of JCJP rankings:
In both previous and current JCJP:
・All-time - total EXP earned since creating your account.
・Today - EXP earned since the start of the day.
Only in current JCJP:
・Week - EXP earned since the start of the week.
・Month - EXP earned since the start of the month.
Only in previous JCJP:
・Vocabulary - *
・Kanji - *
・Combo - highest ever combo reached by each user.
・Challenge - all-time number of challenge wins.
・Friends - all-time EXP rankings filtered to only show your friends list.
* I can't actually remember for certain how the "Vocabulary" and "Kanji" rankings were sorted. It could have been the total number of unique questions learned. Or it may even be the EXP from doing the questions. I'm fairly sure it wasn't either of those though. I think it was all-time number of questions answered correctly? Anyone else remember? ^^July 12, 2015 at 2:21am - I saw you were online but wasn't aware we were racing ><
we both need to make new accounts and race properly sometime :D
Also JCJP used to look so different. Sorting by combo would only really be necessary in niche cases, so maybe wasn't included? Wish I was around in legacy days to get past exp cap lol.July 12, 2015 at 2:03pm - It's a good thing you weren't aware, because it already wasn't easy to keep up. :D
The 29 answer EXP cap was introduced in 2011, whereas I joined in 2012.
The site has been around since 2008, and the previous version wasn't the original one. Different EXP amounts were awarded per question in the earlier years of the site. Originally the site didn't even keep count how many times you had encountered each question, so questions answered back then didn't take away from the number of times you can earn EXP on that question now.
The only avantage I had for my EXP was that the combo x2 bonus used to kick in once you correctly answered 15 questions in a row (instead of the current 20). And it still kicked in every ten after that (25th=x3, 35th=x4,...) until x10 bonus on the 95th question. So this is a slight point advantage until after 100 combo.
Some features were removed on purpose to make the interface simpler to use by getting rid of the less used features. I miss some of the interesting things, like the extra stats shown on the user profile pages. Here's a screenshot of my profile back in 2013:
You can see in that screenshot that it used to show your total count of correct/incorrect answers for vocabulary and kanji, which is one of the things I really miss. I'd really like to know what my stats are like now compared to then. At that time I had one of the highest amount of incorrect answers on the whole site, because I answered Practice questions by trial-and-error a lot. ^^July 13, 2015 at 5:03am