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I have a question for you. I tried to use v2.0 of the mod you made not too long ago, but it… - Feed Post from Koukyoshi to mog86uk

I have a question for you. I tried to use v2.0 of the mod you made not too long ago, but it doesn't quite behave the way it's supposed to. After I correctly answer a question, the textbook to put the answers in disappears, along with submit, show, and clear. It happens on both Chrome and Firefox! o_o Running Windows 7.
posted by Koukyoshi

Comments 6

  • mog86uk
    Sorry for not replying sooner. I've been on holiday for a week so haven't been using JCJP, but I came back home today.

    I remember, sometime after I made v2.0, Beeant changed something in the Practice feature again.

    I haven't emailed any newer versions since v2.0 because for a while I was planning to develop the mod properly and upload it somewhere for everyone who wanted it. However I kind of changed my mind on doing that though.

    I fixed the problem for myself as soon as it happened. The current version I'm using (v2.26) is fairly similar to v2.0, although you might not like the slight style change of the input bar. I can't remember what other stuff I changed.

    One important change is that you can now submit your answers by typing any of the following immediately after your answer:
    ・full stop (period) -- either half-width or full-width.
    ・one full-width space
    ・two half-width spaces

    Those are in addition to the previous ways of submitting the answer, such as pressing Enter or Tab. I can't make use of these new ways of submitting the answer too easily, because I use kana-layout which means I have to press shift to type a full stop. If you use romaji layout you will probably like being able to type a full stop, which is effortless to type and works in both the English and the Japanese answers.

    Anyway, I'll just email you v2.26. Works perfectly fine for me on Windows 7 with the either Chrome or Firefox. Firefox still is preferable for the auto IME switcher feature though. Hope you find this useful. ^^
  • Koukyoshi
    Ah, ok. I just thought you were busy with work, lol. I'm on vacation until Aug 24, so I thought it would be good getting back into studying Japanese.

    That makes sense because when I tried it, I thought to myself well, that's not supposed to happen. Lol.

    Input bar looks good to me! I just did a couple of questions to test it out, and it seems to work flawlessly. I'm about to put my favorite anime songs in a playlist and test it out for about an hour or so.

    Very useful additional shortcuts. I'll try to use them, but I've grown very accustomed to using tab to submit my results! Auto IME is a must! Makes going fast so much easier!
  • Koukyoshi
    The mod is working perfectly! I still haven't ticked 1-click yet because I often make mistakes when I type. Plus, I'm still encountering words I've never seen before. Once I get a little more familiar with the words coming at me, I'm going to up the challenge. Thanks again!
  • mog86uk
    I'm very glad the mod is useful to you. Thanks for your comments. ^^

    I lost interest in making any improvements to the mod quite a while ago, once I realised that I was probably never going to do an official public release of it due to the awkward situation I might create for the site by doing so.

    One idea I had was to add an option requiring the answer to be written in kanji (to increase the difficulty some more). At the moment I enter most answers only in kana because it is quicker and less effort, but it would be nice to have this option to force kanji for an extra challenge.

    I had several ideas of new features I wanted to add to the mod as extra options, but I never got around to attempting to implement any of them. I'm thinking now that I should carry on making improvements even if I'm never going to do a public release. If I'm not the only person who might appreciate the results, the effort spent will feel a bit more worthwhile. :)
  • Koukyoshi
    No problem! I feel it's a much more intuitive way of doing the practices. Kind of reminds of SFA (which I haven't played in quite some time! Need to get back on that).

    I agree with you on that. It's probably best to give it to those who want it.

    That's interesting. I didn't know I could answer with just kana! Lol. Up to this point, I've always answered a question that needed kanji with the appropriate kanji.

    If you want to continue to try to improve the mod, I'll always be your beta tester. I always like a reason to listen to my anime songs!
  • mog86uk
    "I always like a reason to listen to my anime songs!"

    Haha. I often wonder if this might be the main reason I've stuck with using JCJP for so long. Although I have other types of music on most of the time, but I can definitely relate to what you mean. There's something special about doing JCJP Practice while you are listening to music. ^^
