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今日で、JLPTの合否が発表されました。今年、JLPTのN1を受けてみました。僕の点数はこうです。 言語知識(文字・語彙・文法) :… - Feed Post by Koukyoshi


言語知識(文字・語彙・文法) : 29/60
読解: 26/60
聴解: 39/60

総合点数: 94/180 合格は100点です。
結果: 不合格 :((((((

posted by Koukyoshi

Comments 4

  • mog86uk
    それを聞いて残念に思います。 So close. ;_;

    I notice you achieved over 19 points that are needed to pass each section though, just the overall score to work on. Looks like next year you are going to be able to pass pretty comfortably, just so long as you don't forget what you already know and add a bit more to it. Another fun year of studying Japanese for JLPT. ^^
  • Koukyoshi

    Yeah, I'm comfortably over only for listening. I plan on reading a lot more. I bought the reading book for Kanzen Master today, one of my favorite series. I also plan on reading one or two articles a day on NHK's website.

    Oh, I don't have to study for a year! I can take it again this December. If I fail it then, I'll have to wait until next July, but I don't plan on failing it a second time.
  • mog86uk
    Oh right. I wasn't thinking straight about what month we were in (hard to remember that it is Summer looking at the dark rainy weather outside here in the UK, lol).

    When I read it I thought you meant you were skipping the next exam (which somehow I thought was July 2016) and taking it in December 2016. Don't know what time of year I was thinking it was at the time for that to be possible, lol. :D
  • Koukyoshi
    Interestingly enough, it's been like that here for the past couple of days! So we've been seeing the same sight.

    Oh, no. I would like to retire from teaching English to try my hand at a more fulfilling job. Having N1, especially here, goes a long way in helping that process. As a bonus, having N1 gives one points for whenever one applies for a permanent visa, which I would like to start the process of sooner rather than later.


