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Can anybody recommend me a Japanese grammar text book for self studying? I'm looking for something… - Feed Post by GaijinSquid

Can anybody recommend me a Japanese grammar text book for self studying? I'm looking for something that will cover up to JLPT N3 level. Tae Kim's Japanese grammar guide has been very useful but I'd still like to know if there are any other useful resources out there (preferably a book.) :)
posted by GaijinSquid

Comments 7

  • arbalasquide
    I've heard that the series of books, called "Genki", are good for learning Japanese.
  • OwlPrincess
    I've heard that the Tobira textbook can help you score well on the N3 as well. Most people use it after Genki.
  • GaijinSquid
    Thank you both! I've decided to get Genki first and once I have completed Genki I will move onto Tobira. ^_^
  • MikeSugs
    Grammar is destroying me. It's funny because I know so many words but I have no idea how to put them together.
  • fuonk
    Pesronally, I like "Japanese for Everyone" (published by Gakken) better than Genki, but they cover very similar material. I feel that JFE gives a little more depth and guidance in how to use ways of saying things in practical situations. Nakama is also a similar text. Minna no nihongo is different in that it is all in Japanese (with a supplementary book of notes in English), but again it covers similar material. I would recommend avoiding "Japanese for Busy People", which teaches you things faster, but oversimplifies things, causing you to learn some half-truths which you have to unlearn later.
  • rmontz
    Is it みんなの日本語?@fuonk?
  • fuonk
    "Japanese for Everyone" and "みんなの日本語" are two different books, both of which I mentioned above. The one I was suggesting is "Japanese for Everyone".
    (There are more recent editions.)




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