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Can you read this 何処わかれですか。 - Feed Post by Ghosts

Can you read this 何処わかれですか。
posted by Ghosts

Comments 8

  • Ghosts
    To me it says "where is he" and i am pretty sure its right but google translate said other wise but theres more than one way to write something
  • Velyzia
    Well, the kanjis refer to "doko" (where) but I've never seen this sentence formed that way meaning "where is he?". I would say " Kare wa doko ni desu ka ? " but I'm not an expert.. By the way, I wanted to make it clearer using kanji/kana like you but I don't know how to do this. Do you use a program or something like that to do so ? ( Sorry to bother you with this ^^')
  • Ghosts
    I use simeji keyboard for Android on computer i use the built in ime
  • Velyzia
    Alright. Thanks for the tip ;) I think it'll take me a while getting used to this app though.
  • fuonk
    "Where is he?" should be "彼はどこですか。" This is read "kare wa doko desu ka". When "wa" indicates the topic of a sentence, it is spelled は even though the pronunciation is わ. どこ is not normally spelled using kanji.
  • Velyzia
    Is it incorrect using the particle "ni" just after "doko" in this situation then ?
  • hebirion
    if you use particle ni it will be appropriate kare ha doko ni imasuka 彼はどこにいますか。 or kare ha koko ni iru 彼はここにいる。
    ni + Verb (+desu)
  • Velyzia
    Understood. Thanks hebirion !


