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Does anyone know of any good places to practice reading Japanese.? - Feed Post by ShellyAnn

Does anyone know of any good places to practice reading Japanese.?
posted by ShellyAnn

Comments 6

  • Ghosts
    Yahoo.jp japanese subtitles on tv shows or anime of course with japanese audio
  • h4jim3
    this site provides literature classics! I recommend 透明人間 by H.G.Wells or some Sherlock Holmes adventures by Doyle, Arthur Conan.
    Personally I am waiting for 巌窟王(モンテ・クリスト伯), which is currently in progress (作業中の作品) :)
  • mog86uk
    If you're after something closer to beginner reading Practice, I posted a thread in the forums about that fairly recently:

    If the site h4jim3 posted is what you were looking for, then I recommend trying out the "えあ草紙・青空図書館" button to view the book (on the page you reach once you've clicked the name of the book you want). Using this button displays the book in a really nice to read style. ^^

    @h4jim3, I wish that site had a way to search by 底本の初版発行日. I've used that site before when I was looking for books displaying an example of older Japanese written form. Like the copytext of William Shakespear's Romeo & Juliet, which was written in 1933 (before the post-WWII spelling reforms). This book has things like ゐ and ゑ kana (like "-te iru" = てゐる), 旧字体 forms of kanji, and other different spellings (like 言ふ rather than 言う, and 言はう for 言おう). It also has lots of interesting punctuation symbols. I couldn't see any way to search by date of publishing though, sadly. You wouldn't possibly happen to know a way to search by publishing date?

    I only used that site for curiosity research purposes and never noticed before that the site might actually be good to use for reading practice... ^^;
  • h4jim3
    @mog86uk, I don't know how to search by publishing date if it's about pre-google stuff, sorry. You read Shakespear in Japanese? すごいですよ! I had a look at Goethe's Faust in Japanese but gave up after the very first lines....
  • tnirldyli
  • mog86uk
    @h4jim3, I like how they decided to use the line numbering in Faust, to help you know how long it is, haha. 12,111 lines! o.O

    I haven't read any Shakespeare books in Japanese (nor in English either); I haven't tried to properly read anything on there. I was only using that site for research, back around the time when I wanted to learn a bit about the history of the Japanese language and when I had an interest in learning classical Japanese grammar. So I only read random parts of the books, like maybe a paragraph or two, to study the grammar and interesting spellings. ^^;

    I've worked out a fairly decent way to search for older stuff on there, by typing this exact line in Google search:

    site:aozora.gr.jp/cards/ +"旧字旧仮名" +"底本データ" +"明治" -"大正" -"昭和" -"平成"

    This will find books that are written using 旧字旧仮名 and use a copytext dating from the 明治 period. This way I can swap the +/- around to search for whichever period I want. ^^

    The books by 樋口一葉 (ひぐち・いちよう) from the 明治 period are extremely nice and look like they are mostly written in a late style of classical Japanese. If I ever get around to properly reading in full any books on that site, her books will be first at the top of my list.


