"Challenge" was a feature on the previous version of this site. We were able to go on other users' profile pages and click a "challenge" button to challenge that user to a race to see who can answer 10(?) questions the fastest.
It was a pretty fun feature, but the problem was that people with slower connections to the site had a big disadvantage. My connection was slow back then and I ran out of time on both the challenges I accepted (60 seconds?).
Now some of us older users have stuck notifications at the top of our screen. These stuck invisible notifications are old "challenge requests" which we didn't accept or decline at the time. I have 5 permanent hidden notifications that I can never get rid of.
The Challenge feature is meant to be coming to this version of the site someday. This version of the site went live almost exactly two years ago (April 2014). However, currently Beeant (the sole site owner/admin/developer) is working on making a very nice iOS and Android app for this site. So we probably won't be seeing the Challenge feature coming back any time soon, if it is still actually planned to be returning, that is. ^^
April 14, 2016 at 3:56am