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Are these Japanese words and phrases the same?

Are these Japanese words and phrases the same? Help me understand the differences.

友人と 友達 friend, companion
注文をつける と 注文する order, make a request (verb)
何故と 如何して why?
揺ると 振る shake (verb)
援助と 手伝う help, assist, support

梅雨と 雨季 rainy season
研究と 調べる investigate (verb)
必ずと 絶対に without fail
時代と 年代 jiken
歳と 才 sai (years old, age)

速いと 早い fast, early
危険なと危ない dangerous

Cc: Medyrius, Annick and Adkdcmorgan
posted by kekkou

Comments 6

  • Medyrius
    They sensibly mean the same thing in most cases and would only differ in the way they would be used in a sentence... For some of them, the kanji choice is deliberately pointing to a specific meaning but it's not always the case, sometimes it's only a matter of kanji choice or obsolete kanjis...
    Instead of trying to explain the differences, I'll suggest u visit jisho.org and type each word to see a very detailed list of meanings. U can also hit the "sentence" link under each occurrence to view a list of common usages... That's what I do whenever I run into similarly meaning words with tricky nuances... Hope it helps ;)
  • adkdcmorgan
    I agree with Medyrius. I am sure his experience is higher than mine but I was thinking the same thoughts. In my limited experience, 速い is usually fast and 早い is usually early.
  • adkdcmorgan
    I agree with Medyrius. I am sure his experience is higher than mine but I was thinking the same thoughts. In my limited experience, 速い is usually fast and 早い is usually early.
  • kekkou
    Thanks for the help.
  • Annick
    I'm afraid, I'm not experienced enough to help you with those. I think ...(but I may be wrong)

    梅雨 (plum rain) refers to Japanese rainy season
    雨季 rainy season in general

    研究 research (in a scientific way)
    調べる investigate, examine, get information about

    絶対に (absolute) used with negative
    必ず (inevitable, must be?) express certitude based on logic, facts

    援助 aid, assistance, financial support
    手伝う help someone to do something, give a hand

    揺る to shake, rock, swing (train, earthquake, boat)
    振る to wave, shake (hand, head)

    時代 times, those days, era
    年代 date, period (example: in the eighties)

    友人 more formal
    友達 originally used as plural form, some people still use it for "friends"

    何故 why (more formal)
    如何して why, how,

    I also agree with Medyrius.
  • kekkou
    Thanks, Annick.
