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Forum game: Shiritori

Decided to try something fun and see who wants to join in, trying to make it as edumacational as possible.

Taken from Wikipedia...
Shiritori (しりとり) is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word

Basic rules

* Two or more people take turns to play.
* Only nouns are permitted.
* A player who plays a word ending in the mora N (ん) loses the game, as no Japanese word begins with that character.
* Words may not be repeated.
* Phrases connected by no (の) are permitted, but only in those cases where the phrase is sufficiently fossilized to be considered a "word".

Example: sakura (さくら)-> rajio (ラジオ)-> onigiri (おにぎり)-> risu (りす)-> sumou (すもう) -> udon (うどん)

The player who used the word udon lost this game.

Now for the edumacational part...
To the best of your ability, fill in all possible info
romaji/kana (kanji if you want super bonus points, please note that the super bonus points ARE A LIE) and finally english translation.

Here is the format:
shiritori -> ringo/りんご apple.
ringo -> gokiburi/ごきぶり cockroach.
posted by Core

Comments 20

  • Core
    And after that large daunting wall of text LETS BEGIN!

    shiritori -> ringo/りんご apple.
  • beeant
    ごはん ・ rice

    I think this game will be endless if we do it in bulletin like this, people will have time to think of the correct word (doesnt end with ん)
    I think I can make a program to do this game or maybe not ( I havent think of any further possibilities and impossibilities of a program ). I will write it after I finished all of my exams in my University ><

    Thanks for the idea. this is a great idea to make JCJP more fun.

    Thank You,
  • beeant
    The game has ended, I didn't realize that こはん is ended with ん hahah ><
  • beeant
    Actually this game is kind of difficult to turn it into a program.

    Japanese use this kind of game in a group, so other than just finding the word starts with certain character, you also need to remember the words that has been said during the game. If you can say any word that ends with certain character, then it will be easy.
    So the problem is:
    in order to make this game, there have to be enough users online at the same time and join the game. Which is rarely happen I guess, because this site is still new.

    However, this game is possible to make it into program on 1 vs 1 basis.
  • Core
    beeant killed shiritori in record time, nice effort =)

    Haha I intended it just to be a casual little game for people who pop in, see the thread, glance over the words already used and keep playing the game.

    Everyone is free to join in and play along.

    New game:
    shiritori -> rika/りか (理科)science.
  • beeant
    shiritori -> kani/かに (蟹)crab.
  • spanz
    nihongo/にほんご (日本語) Japanese language.
  • Core
    gorira/ゴリラ Gorilla.
  • beeant
  • spanz
    ooame/おおあめ (大雨) heavy rain
  • beeant
    meiwaku/めいわく (迷惑) annoyance
  • spanz
    kuchibiru/くちびる (唇) lips
  • Core
    rubi/ルビ ruby.
  • oishigyunyu
    bijyutsukan/びじゅつかん (美術館) art museum
  • spanz
    Oops! Ending in ん...

    Ooishigyunyu-san, you have been betrayed by your fingers. If you had pressed "enter" before writing "kan" you would not have lost.
    Well, the show must go on, so...

    shiritori ->rieki/利益 (利益) gains
  • wendypoon
    rieki -> kissu/キッス kiss.
  • beeant
    suupu/スープ soup
  • spanz
    suupu -> purintaa/プリンター printer
  • beeant
    tatsumaki / たつまき(竜巻)tornado
  • spanz
    I don't know if tatsumaki is correct. If you write purintaa in Hiragana, the last Kana would be あ. As the last character ー in Katakana cannot be used, I guess you could be right. Anyway...

    tatsumaki -> kimono/きもの (着物) kimono
