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Is this the proper way to say "Sorry iv been busy"

ごめなさい, いそがしい。
Is this the right way to say sorry iv been busy or am i way off?
posted by Somrann

Comments 6


  • Ronin
    Shouldn't that です instead be でした? @JACKBOSMA
  • Acidron
    @Ronin no, it's actually correct like that. 忙しいです=present tense, いそがしかったです=i-adjective is conjugated into it's past form 忙しかった and desu is added. Good point to notice though, I was confused by this same thing once and surely other beginners will be too :)
  • mog86uk
    Or could use いそがしくありました instead of いそがしかったです.

    いそがしく + あり+まし+た
     いそがしく is the adverbial conjugation of いそがしい.
     あり is the infinitive form of ある "be".
     まし is the infinitive form of the ます politeness auxiliary verb.
     た is the perfect aspect / past tense auxiliary verb.

    いそがしく + あり+た + で + あり+ます
     あり + た → あった is the perfect aspect / past tense form of ある "be".
     いそがしく + あった → いそがしかった. The く 'ku' and あった 'atta' are combined into かった 'katta'.
     です, at least in purpose, is the shortened form of で+あり+ます.
     であります is the 'masu' polite form of である.

    いそがしかったです, as I've shown, essentially uses あり twice. The first time: to add た for past tense; the second time: to add ます for politeness.

    いそがしくありました only uses あり once, adding both ます and た all in one go in the form of まし(infinitive form of ます) + た = ました.

    But alas, いそがしかったです is by far the the normal one used in everyday polite speech. It's just that using です after an i-adjective seems pretty weird from a grammar perspective, even if it is standard.
  • mog86uk
    Oops. I think I got a bit carried away typing. Only meant to make a brief comment... But, before I knew it, it had turned into that crazy looking mess of a post...
